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jesus, you have come to the lakeshore

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:21 pm
by Expos
I would appreciate the words to this hymn.
"Jesus, you have come to the Lakeshore"

Thank you

jesus, you have come to the lakeshore

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:53 pm
by Guest

You have come down to the lakeshore
Seeking neither the wise nor the wealthy,
But only asking for me to follow.

Sweet Lord, you have looked into my eyes,
Kindly smiling, you've called out my name.
On the sand I've abandoned my small boat;
Now with you, I will seak other seas.

You know full well what I have, Lord;
Neither treasure nor weapons for conquest,
Just these my fishnets and will for working.

Sweet Lord, you have looked into my eyes,
Kindly smiling, you've called out my name.
On the sand I've abandoned my small boat;
Now with you, I will seak other seas.

You need my hands, my exhaustion,
Working love for the rest of the weary,
A love that's willing to go on loving.

Sweet Lord, you have looked into my eyes,
Kindly smiling, you've called out my name.
On the sand I've abandoned my small boat;
Now with you, I will seak other seas.

You who have fished other waters;
You, the longing of souls that are yearning;
O loving Friend, you have come to call me.

Sweet Lord, you have looked into my eyes,
Kindly smiling, you've called out my name.
On the sand I've abandoned my small boat;
Now with you, I will seak other seas.

jesus, you have come to the lakeshore

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 3:20 am
by Guest
Thank you

jesus, you have come to the lakeshore

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 6:38 pm
by Guest
Never knew this site existed, it is a blessing!

jesus, you have come to the lakeshore

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:55 am
by Guest
You know I love this song because Jesus did come to the lakeshore when he gave those of people the fish and the bread I think in galiee I could be wrong though this song is truly a blessing to me thank for these song lyrics god bless you amen

jesus, you have come to the lakeshore

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:08 pm
by Guest
The original is called Pescador de Hombres by Cesareo Gabarain. There's various translations of it in English