At long last, we've migrated from our old, outdated software to a new, modern software. The new system has a lot of great features the old one didn't--it works on mobile devices, you can add attachments, all pages are secure, and smilies actually work now

If you are a registered user, please note the following:
1) Your old password will no longer work, for security reasons.
2) To reset your password, click the link that says "Login" near the top of the page.
3) You'll see a username and password box. Underneath the password box will be a link that says "I forgot my password". Click it.
4) Enter the username AND the email address you used on the old site. If you can't remember either one, feel free to click Contact Us on the bottom of this page and I can look it up for you.
5) You'll receive an email titled "New password activation" that will send you a temporary new password and a link to click to activate it. Click the link, and then use the password in the email to sign in.
6) To change your password, you can go into your Profile Settings
You can still post as a Guest too; the system will ask for your email and username, but you can feel free to put in throwaway information if you'd like to stay anonymous.
With any migration there are going to be kinks, so if you see anything odd (or have any suggestions), please click Contact Us at the bottom of this page and I can look into it.
I hope you enjoy the new system, and good Lord willing, hopefully it can help bring us many, many more years of Naming That Hymn!
God bless,