Welcome to the Hymn Discussion Board!

This is the discussion board to share thoughts, musings, and questions on Christian hymns in general.

Post your favorite hymns and hymn stories. I'll also try to create sticky threads for popular topics that you can respond to.

If you're looking for hymn lyrics, please go to the Hymn Lyrics - Search Request board.
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Welcome to the Hymn Discussion Board!

Post by steveliu » Fri Dec 22, 2023 7:11 pm

Back when I started this site in 1995 it was dedicated, as the logo says, to "seek and save what was lost".

During these years, I've gotten to learn a bit about hymnody and hymnology. So, for the first time in 28 years I'm adding a new discussion board to this site to help answer some of the more common questions about hymns.

I would also LOVE to see this forum be a place where everyone can share your favorite hymn stories and lists. I'll start by creating a few threads with the most popular broad lists that people search for, while I'll sticky on the top, but feel free to add your own stories, lists, and questions.

Of course if you're looking for hymn LYRICS, be sure to go to the original Hymn Lyrics Search Forum.

This is just an experiment for now, but let's see where it takes us :)
Posts: 4419
Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:50 pm

Re: Welcome to the Hymn Discussion Board!

Post by songinmyheart » Tue Oct 15, 2024 10:28 pm

Hi Steve

Just so you know, today I came across this for the first time!
I don't know how. I had sent a private e-mail and it popped up.
I like the concept. I usually keep my commentary to a minimum when posting lyrics
but find great satisfaction when I connect with a member and we collaborate and share thoughts.
How can we promote this experiment?

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Re: Welcome to the Hymn Discussion Board!

Post by steveliu » Sat Nov 30, 2024 3:51 pm

Hi Nancy,

Lol...I had a brainstorm to do this about a year ago when I was in the throes of unemployment, but completely forgot about it until now (thank God, I eventually got a job...I was sad that I couldn't put more time into building this up as I wanted to, but grateful to be able to pay food, rent, and health insurance again!)

As you probably noticed, I deliberately kept this board a little "hidden" until I figured out what to do with it. To get to it, you have to press the "Board Index" link on the main discussion board and then select "Hymn Discussions". If/when this ever takes off, I'll make it much more prominent.

I think I came up with this idea because I saw a lot of people searching there for common hymns and the Google results were sometimes awful...sometimes the lyrics were just wrong, other times the page was so filled with ads that the lyrics were hardly readable.

Maybe what I'll do is this: from time to time I'll post a common theme or question, I'll post my thoughts on it, and I'll see if the community is up for adding to it in a "stone soup" sort of way. If it takes off, great...if not, that's cool too :)

Maybe I'll make a goal in 2025 of posting a different question every two weeks or so and see where that takes us. Everyone else can feel free to post as well.

Thanks as always for all you do!

Posts: 4419
Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:50 pm

Re: Welcome to the Hymn Discussion Board!

Post by songinmyheart » Mon Dec 09, 2024 9:40 pm


That sounds super
I have had rewarding interactions, colaborating with members on a song.
This seems like it would be rewarding in that same vein

Looking forward to it
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