Looking for my father in-laws favorite song - walls are made of jasper and the streets are pure gold

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Looking for my father in-laws favorite song - walls are made of jasper and the streets are pure gold

Post by Kimberley45 » Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:14 am

In the chorus this song says "walls are made of jasper and the streets are pure gold. It also says something about a rose. It has been about 17 years since we have had this song in our song book.
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Looking for my father in-laws favorite song - walls are made of jasper and the streets are pure gold

Post by songinmyheart » Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:41 pm

Hi Kimberley,
I have combed through dozens of hymns searching for the combined words you posted.
What wonderful hymns! A few of them are already in our archives.
Needless to say, I am inspired and looking forward to the rewards of Heaven
but discouraged I can't identify your father-in-law's favorite song
In your post, what song book are you referring to?
Can you give us anymore clues?

Re: Looking for my father in-laws favorite song - walls are made of jasper and the streets are pure gold

Post by Brent-O2 » Thu Aug 12, 2021 2:47 pm

I am not sure if this is the song you are referencing, but I recall a song from the late 60's/early 70's and here are some of the lyrics

"I had a dream/ Last night/ About a city/ So bright/ The walls were made of jasper/ And the streets were paved with gold

A river/ Flowed soft and sweet/ Angels kneeled/ At God's feet/ I tell you/ Heaven is a beautiful place/ I know/ I know

Revelations has told/ About a city of pure gold/ We'll be/ Free from sin/ When the saints go/ Marching in

To the three gates/ In the north . . . " and so, on . .

Re: Looking for my father in-laws favorite song - walls are made of jasper and the streets are pure gold

Post by jordan08266 » Mon Sep 27, 2021 2:12 pm

Could it be this one?

Let's Meet By The River
Recorded by The Spencers
Written by Kevin Layne Spencer
[3/4 time]

I've read of the city John saw coming down from God out of Heaven
C G Em A7 D7
The walls are of jasper the gates are of pearl and streets of pure gold
He tells of a pure river of life that flows from the throne
C G Em G D7 G C G
And when we have reached that beautiful place we'll know as we're known

Let's meet by the river over on that beautiful shore
C G Em A7 D7
Lets meet by the river where loved ones dwell who've gone on before
G D7
If you leave here first just wait by the river
If I leave you here that's where you'll find me
G Em D7 G C G
Let's meet by the river over on that beautiful shore

If you leave me standing here on this earth just wait by the river
C G Em A7 D7
It's such a good place for us to meet over there
G D7 G C
And after I find you let's go see Jesus then lets go find our dad and mother
G Em D7 G C G
Let's meet by the river over on that beautiful shore

Repeat #2 x2

C G Em D7 G C G
Let's meet by the river over on that beautiful shore that beautiful shore

Re: Looking for my father in-laws favorite song - walls are made of jasper and the streets are pure gold

Post by Carolyn70 » Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:04 pm

The Walls of Jasper
Today I am thinking of mansions so fair
Where all are invited to come
Where angels of heaven do sing songs of joy
Oh this is my beautiful home

The walls are Jasper
The gates of Pearl
Foundation around precious stones
The light of that city is God’s wondrous glory
Oh this is my beautiful home

No heartbreak can ever be found in that land
No tears or no heartache can come
There peace and contentment is heaven to all
Oh this is my beautiful home


Post by DivaRandle » Sun Apr 02, 2023 3:34 am

My Father led this song at my church. It's by the "Singing Disciples". Go to the following site to hear the song titled Heaven.

https://music.apple.com/us/album/heaven ... 1416919241
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Re: Looking for my father in-laws favorite song - walls are made of jasper and the streets are pure gold

Post by Steveinflorida » Fri Jul 21, 2023 10:10 pm

This song has those lines, could this be the one you are looking for?

If the walls were not jasper
the streets were not gold
the mansions, they would crumble
and the saints we still grew old
still it would be everything
my heart’s been longing to see
if Jesus is there
it will be heaven to me

heaven for me
heaven for me
if Jesus is there
it will be heaven for me
all the beauty and splendor
I been longing to see
but if jesus is there
it will be heaven for me

Re: Looking for my father in-laws favorite song - walls are made of jasper and the streets are pure gold

Post by branthebabe » Sun Apr 28, 2024 4:53 pm

Maybe Gabriel’s trumpet, this man from Martin county Kentucky sings it here https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwDj7x8/
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