Do you know the title for this song - I as kneeling at an old fashioned alter on a beautiful bright sabbath day.

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Do you know the title for this song - I as kneeling at an old fashioned alter on a beautiful bright sabbath day.

Post by 4Debbie » Sun May 12, 2024 7:21 pm

It was in an old Vison song book. I don't know the title of the song.
I as kneeling at an old fashioned alter on a beautiful bright sabbath day.

I'm walking in the light the wonderful light of God's word is shining so bright and guiding my path from above. As long as the lord lets me linger in a world blessed by Heavens own dove I will not go astray from the straight and narrow way because I'm walking in the light of God's wonderful love.

Trying to find this for a friend. She doesn't remember the 2nd verse or the title. Your help would be much appreciated.

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