Can some one give me the lyrics of 'Fling wide the Gates' . i had the music and lyrics but lost it. The lyrics go - By prison walls, my soul was circled round.
Enslav'd by sin until at last I found.
while ages roll
while ages roll
while ages roll
I`am looking for the lyrics to The First Million Years
while ages roll
Does anyone know a song that the chorus went like this:
While ages shall roll I'll walk with the King
I'll stroll through the garden his praises to sing
While day after day His sweet voice will say
There's life everlasting while ages shall roll.
I had this on a 45 record and somehow lost it..I can't remember who sang it or the correct title but would love to find it again as my daughter and I use to sing it when she was very young and would love to sing it with her now ...she is 40. thanks
While ages shall roll I'll walk with the King
I'll stroll through the garden his praises to sing
While day after day His sweet voice will say
There's life everlasting while ages shall roll.
I had this on a 45 record and somehow lost it..I can't remember who sang it or the correct title but would love to find it again as my daughter and I use to sing it when she was very young and would love to sing it with her now ...she is 40. thanks
while ages roll
can some one help me with the lyrics of "I'll be there" It starts with When we get to heaven on that golden shore ..........?
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while ages roll
These are the lyrics to
When you get to Heaven on that golden shore
When you stand in glory redeemed forevermore
Look all around you. See the happy throng
See their smiling faces sing a happy song
You may look for me for I'll be there
I'll be there yes I'll be there
I've been redeemed by grace and I'll be there
Oh Glory to God I'll be there
Home of the faithful. Home of the pure
for all who will trust Him this I'm very sure
that I'm saved by His mercy
Oh yes I'm saved by His grace
Going to that city Heaven is the place
When you get to Heaven on that golden shore
When you stand in glory redeemed forevermore
Look all around you. See the happy throng
See their smiling faces sing a happy song
You may look for me for I'll be there
I'll be there yes I'll be there
I've been redeemed by grace and I'll be there
Oh Glory to God I'll be there
Home of the faithful. Home of the pure
for all who will trust Him this I'm very sure
that I'm saved by His mercy
Oh yes I'm saved by His grace
Going to that city Heaven is the place
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Re: while ages roll
Is this an extra verse for While Ages Roll by Mosie Lister? I'm looking for another verse as it seems to short to perform at a funeral with just two verses. Hoping this is one, it seems to fit the tune.
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