Can anyone tell me who sang this? I have a Lot of Heaven in my Soul

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Can anyone tell me who sang this? I have a Lot of Heaven in my Soul

Post by kjrutherford » Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:13 am

I used to have a tape of either the Primitive Quartet or Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver that had the song ' I have a Lot of Heaven in my Soul". The chorus started. 'The fire of love came down and now I'm Heaven bound, I trust the Lord, He'll safely lead me to the goal. His love has lifted me and made me glad and free. Oh yes, i've got a lot of Heaven in my soul.' I would love to find the cd.

Re: Can anyone tell me who sang this? I have a Lot of Heaven in my Soul

Post by anonymous1 » Wed May 22, 2024 6:01 am

Rock my soul album by Doyle Lawson and quicksilver
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