I'm Thankful For A Christian Family

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I'm Thankful For A Christian Family

Post by ddadevelopment » Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:46 pm

Can someone help me out with the correct title/author/copyright information?

I believe the song goes like this:

Here is a youtube link to the song being performed:

I'm Thankful For A Christian Family

Verse 1

I remember as a young child
the trials that I went through
I'd go to mom and daddy
they'd say just go to your knees
It was hard to understand it
but I do it anyway
and the pain I felt within me
would all be washed away

Verse 2

Now I'm getting a little older,
and I'm starting to understand.
This world is full of trouble,
but it's all in God's great plan.
So we have to stay strong now,
in our Christian walk with him.
He will guide us through the valleys,
and make us whole within


Oh I'm thankful, for a christian family
without them in my life
i don't know where I would be
they taught me about Jesus
the one who died for me
that's why I'm so thankful
for a christian family

Verse 3

Now I know the day is gonna come
When he'll take them both from me
and I'll remember the good and bad times
when they helped me through my needs
and I'll know they're up there with the Lord, sitting at his royal throne
looking down here apon me
saying child you're still coming home


And Oh I'm thankful, for a christian family
without them in my life
i don't know where I would be
they taught me about Jesus
the one who died for me
that's why I'm so thankful
for a christian family

Thank You!

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