I am attempting to locate the piano music for the song~ I Am Unworthy the Least of His Favor

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Gentle Shepherd
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:23 pm

I am attempting to locate the piano music for the song~ I Am Unworthy the Least of His Favor

Post by Gentle Shepherd » Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:29 pm

"I Am Unworthy the Least of His Favor"

I have the lyrics to the song, but would like to locate the piano music for this song.

Gloria Roe has a song: Unworthy
That is not the one I am looking for at this time.

The words to the song area;
I am unworthy the least of His favor, but Jesus left heaven for me, He became flesh and He died as my Savior forsaken on dark Calvary.

I am unworthy, this dull tongue repeats it, I am unworthy this heart gladly beats it.
Jesus left heaven to die in my place
what mercy , what love and what grace.
If anyone can direct me where I may find a written copy, I will be most appreciative.
Gentle Shepherd

I am attempting to locate the piano music for the song~ I Am Unworthy the Least of His Favor

Post by Guest » Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:22 am

I am not worthy the least of His favor,
But Jesus left heaven for me;
The Word became flesh and He died as my Savior,
Forsaken on dark Calvary.

I am not worthy this dull tongue repeats it!
I am not worthy this heart gladly beats it?
Jesus left heaven to die in my place
What mercy, what love and what grace!

I am not worthy the least of His favor,
But in the beloved I stand;
Now I'm an heir with my wonderful Savior,
And all things are mine at His hand.

I am not worthy the least of His favor,
But He is preparing a place
Where I shall dwell with my glorified Savior,
Forever to look on His face.
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2022 7:29 am

Re: I am attempting to locate the piano music for the song~ I Am Unworthy the Least of His Favor

Post by DaveP » Mon Jun 06, 2022 7:35 am

I know that song very well and play it a lot but I don’t use the sheet music as I know it so well.I would be happy to jot down a lead sheet in whatever key you want i.e. melody with chord changes.

Re: I am attempting to locate the piano music for the song~ I Am Unworthy the Least of His Favor

Post by masz » Sat Jun 22, 2024 3:49 pm

I don't know if u found music but...

I'm almost 70 and I heard this song in the '60s. I've not heard it since. This melody came to my mind just now and I found ur inquiry. God bless...
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