classical pentecostal help!!!

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classical pentecostal help!!!

Post by chawver26 » Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:27 pm

all i know is I'm a classical pentecostal and i am not ashamed......
help!!!!!!!!need to know the words and who sings it
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Joined: Sun Feb 25, 2007 9:52 pm

classical pentecostal help!!!

Post by Chosen_one » Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:42 pm

I am a Pentecostal
Verse 1
We've been known to get wild, and let our hair hang down. Drink till we get marry, fall'n on the ground. We've cranked up the music, and we've danced all around. Shouting HALLELUJAH as his glory came down. It's just our style the way we do our thang. We're the Pentecostals, baptized in that flame.
I'm a Pentecostal and I am not ashamed. Just read the book of Acts, we are still the same. We worship only one God, Jesus is his name. We are Pentecostal in everyway.
Verse 2
Some think we are crazy, others think we're strange. But when I got this Holy Ghost, I could not contain. More exciting than a party, higher than a drug. It's the greatest feeling, being washed in his blood. If you're tired of traditions, religion done you wrong. You're feeling dry and empty, no longer have a song.
Verse 3
This story is not over, things for you can change, you can feel the fire burning as the spirit fans the flames. There's millions who have came, and millions on the way. There's leaving dead churches for this Pentecostal faith. There's a hunger in the World, that gets bigger everyday, there're crying out for Pentecost, that is why I say.

classical pentecostal help!!!

Post by Guest » Tue Nov 06, 2007 6:27 pm

Christian Life Center, Stockton, California
I believe the pastor of the church wrote this song.

YouTube Video:

classical pentecostal help!!!

Post by Guest » Mon May 10, 2010 7:03 pm

Karen Harding sing this song

classical pentecostal help!!!

Post by Guest » Wed May 18, 2011 5:29 pm

Mixed up there. Karen Harding sang this one.
I'm a classical Pentecostal, and I' m not ashamed.
And everything i do,
I do it all in jesus name!
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classical pentecostal help!!!

Post by claudia123 » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:35 am

Who Sings We're Not Crazy Pentecostal Song?????????

classical pentecostal help!!!

Post by Guest » Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:20 am

I'm a classical Pentecostal and I'm not ashamed I'm a classical Pentecostal and I'm not ashamed because everything I do I do it all in Jesus name

Verse 1:
I went down to the alter to repent of my sins I went down to alter to repent of my sins. Well I spoke in other tongues when the Holy Ghost came in.

Chorus again

Verse 2:
Some preach a modern gospel they say it's a new day but what Peter preached at Pentecost is still the only way

Chorus again

Verse 3:
Some say there's nothing different they say we're all the same but when I got baptized I was baptized in Jesus name.

Then Chorus again.

.... I know it's kn iTunes by Dayna McMahon! She sings it in the key of F if that helps... 8 years later... ... =372742591

If you have any questions feel free to email me
[email protected]

Re: classical pentecostal help!!!

Post by melissasmusic » Sun Jun 23, 2024 12:19 am

Guest wrote: Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:20 am Chorus:
I'm a classical Pentecostal and I'm not ashamed I'm a classical Pentecostal and I'm not ashamed because everything I do I do it all in Jesus name

Verse 1:
I went down to the alter to repent of my sins I went down to alter to repent of my sins. Well I spoke in other tongues when the Holy Ghost came in.

Chorus again

Verse 2:
Some preach a modern gospel they say it's a new day but what Peter preached at Pentecost is still the only way

Chorus again

Verse 3:
Some say there's nothing different they say we're all the same but when I got baptized I was baptized in Jesus name.

Then Chorus again.

.... I know it's kn iTunes by Dayna McMahon! She sings it in the key of F if that helps... 8 years later... ... =372742591

If you have any questions feel free to email me
[email protected]
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