Thief on the cross next to Jesus

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Thief on the cross next to Jesus

Post by ancillajc » Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:00 pm

Hello, y'all! I'm looking for a song/hymn about the Crucifixion from the perspective (I think) of the thief on the cross next to Christ. It is NOT Third Day's song "Thief"; it was on a cassette tape my Dad had around the years 1996-1999. Thanks!
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Thief on the cross next to Jesus

Post by songinmyheart » Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:25 pm

Is this it?

From The Story - How Love Wins (THIEF)

My life began like any other man
Held beneath a mother's loving gaze
Somewhere between now and then
I lost the man I could have been
Took everything that wasn't mine to take
But Love believes that it is not too late
Only one of us deserves this cross
A suffering that should belong to me
Deep within this man I hang beside
Is the place where shame and grace collide
And it's beautiful agony
That He believes it's not too late for me
This is how Love wins, every single time
Climbing high upon a tree where someone else should die
This is how Love heals, the deepest part of you
Letting Himself bleed into the middle of your wounds
This is what Love says, standing at the door
You don't have to be who you've been before
Silenced by His voice, death can't speak again
This is how Love wins
Did you see this moment from the start
That we would drink this of cup of suffering?
I wonder, did we ever meet?
Childhood games in dusty streets
For all my many sorrows and regrets
Nothing could compare to just this one
That in the presence of my King
I cannot fall upon my knees
I cannot carry You up to Your throne
You instead, will carry me back home.
What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood, nothing but the blood
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood, Nothing but the blood
Because this is what Love say, standing at the door
You don't have to be who you've been before
And silenced by His voice, death can't speak again
This is how Love wins.
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Thief on the cross next to Jesus

Post by songinmyheart » Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:34 pm

Or this?

Remember Me

I looked in Your eyes
And saw it for a moment
The passion in Your cry
The chains of life are broken

Put to death by Your people
You came to bring us life
Only hope for the hopeless
Will You remember me?

I've been ashamed
I've been put down
Head in my hands
My life on the ground

Left heaven to save
Liars and thieves
Sinners like me
Your blood sets us free

Who am I
That You would remember me?

Spent all of my years
Stealing from the world
With everything I had
I was still so poor

You have everything to lose
But You're dying here with me
I believe
Will You remember me?

I've been ashamed
I've been put down
Head in my hands
My life on the ground

Left heaven to save
Liars and thieves
Sinners like me
Your blood sets us free

Who am I?

Take what I have left my Savior
Take me with You from this cross
When I leave this life completely
Remember me

I've been ashamed
I've been put down
Head in my hands
My life on the ground

Left heaven to save
Liars and thieves
Sinners like me
Your blood sets us free

I've been ashamed
I've been put down
Head in my hands
My life on the ground

Left heaven to save
Liars and thieves
Sinners like me
Your blood sets us free

Who am I
That You would remember me?

Thief on the cross next to Jesus

Post by Guest » Sun Feb 19, 2017 3:47 pm

No, unfortunately, it's neither of those. I listened to this song in the 90's, so it was definitely written before then.
Thanks for your help!

Re: Thief on the cross next to Jesus

Post by KosherHorn » Sat Mar 16, 2019 8:30 pm

"When Your Love Died" by One Bad Pig?

Re: Thief on the cross next to Jesus

Post by Jojo1011 » Mon Apr 18, 2022 10:27 pm

By the Way of the Cross
The Ruppes

Re: Thief on the cross next to Jesus

Post by nattykeins » Sun Mar 10, 2024 7:53 am


I have been searching for a song that I had heard years ago. It was on a cassette probably. The song was sung by the two thieves. It started with them in the dungeon with Jesus awaiting their crucifixion, then their walk towards Golgotha, then their argument on the cross. One thief sings towards the end, "He's done nothing wrong." The song has the tone and pitch of David Phelp.

Re: Thief on the cross next to Jesus

Post by crankyfrankie1 » Tue Jul 16, 2024 1:18 am

Try "The Thief On The Tree" by Roy Acuff. I don't have the words but you can find it on "YouTube".
Posts: 4419
Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:50 pm

Re: Thief on the cross next to Jesus

Post by songinmyheart » Tue Jul 16, 2024 8:27 pm

Just for the record, here are the lyrics and a recording to the aforementioned Roy Acuff song

Remember me, remember me
Cried the dying thief upon the tree
The Savior raised His thorn-crowned head
And to the dying thief, he said
"Today, in paradise, you will be
Because I have remembered thee"
Today I cry "Remember me"
As did the thief upon the tree
O Lord, what will Your verdict be?
Will You, in mercy, say to me
"Today, in paradise, you will be
Because I have remembered thee"?
Oh sinner, cry "Remember me"
As did the thief upon the tree
This moment may your last one be
Then he could never say to thee
"Today, in paradise, you will be
Because I have remembered thee"
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