I'm looking for Jesus to come some day.....

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I'm looking for Jesus to come some day.....

Post by Guest » Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:00 pm

Does anyone know the lyrics to this song....

I'm looking for Jesus to come some day, .......... I'm not sure of any more words.

It's upbeat. and it;s an older song.

Help if you can
Posts: 42
Joined: Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:59 am

I'm looking for Jesus to come some day.....

Post by Pat » Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:17 pm

Hope this is the song you are looking for:
" I'm Looking For Jesus"
I can hardly wait to see my mansion upon high.
If I live for Him each day I know that by and by,
When the Lord shall come to take his children
to the sky,I'll live and never die.

I'm looking for Jesus to come some day.
I'll ever keep singing along my way and
when those heavens unfold,I'll walk those
streets of pure gold. I'm Iooking for Jesus
to come some day.

God said just to trust in Him and He would
see you through. When He comes we'll
trade this body for one that's new.
I'll not turn around because for Him I'll be
so true. My love will never die.
koretta slocum

Re: I'm looking for Jesus to come some day.....

Post by koretta slocum » Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:48 pm

I found the lyrics to I'm looking for Jesus to come some day, so I'm hoping it will bless you
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