Found my cassette. Damage to the inside liner of the cassette case makes it impossible to make out all the words onThy Holy Mountain lyrics and other songs. However, as I listened numerous times to Thy Holy Mountain I can say the wording suggested below is not 100% accurate. Thanks for inspiring me to find my cassette. Bummed I can't retrieve all the words.
Jeff Blake - Executive Producer
Produced by Michael Harriton for NTH Degree productions
Myrrh, a division of Word, Inc. In Great Britain: Word (UK) Ltd.,London. iIn Canada: Word Communications, Ltd., Vancouver, BC. Copyrighted 1992 Word, Inc. Printed in USA by Word Inc. Manufactured by Word, Inc. Williams Square, East Tower, 5221 North O'Connor Boulevard, Irving, TX 75039
The SKU number on the back: 8068-81535-4
For correspondence: Nth Degree Productions, PO Box 846, Montrose CA, 91021-0846
John Kintaudi provides the arrangement of "Haleluyah" while background vocals are sung by the Kintaudi Family (John, Pauline, Sammy, Pierrette and Luther). "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus" translation provided by Pierrette. On "Carried Away" the Kintaudi family does background vocal with Sy Gorier and Terry ?.
Hopes this information helps you to track down this lovely worship music.
Best Wishes.
Thy/Holy Mountain (???)
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