when i say jesus

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when i say jesus

Post by kissmore » Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:11 am

i'm looking for a song with some words which say:
when i say jesus my sorrow disappear
when i say jesus he speaks sweet peace to me
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when i say jesus

Post by songinmyheart » Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:33 pm

Hi kissmore

Is this it?

When I Say Master

When I say Master my sorrows disappear.
When I say Father He drives away my fears.
When I say Savior my blinded eyes can see.
When I say Jesus He speaks Sweet Peace to me.

when i say jesus

Post by Guest » Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:18 pm

The sea of life is raging. The storm clouds 'round me roll. I'm tossed about in turmoil and it's growing very cold. By myself I'd never make it. But this one thing I know. When I speak the name of Jesus. The storm clouds have to go.

When I say Master, my sorrows dissappear.
When I say Father, He drives away all my fears.
When I say Savior, my blinded eyes can see.
When I say Jesus, He speaks peace to me.
choir director

Re: when i say jesus

Post by choir director » Fri Sep 27, 2024 6:15 pm

The hymn lyrics I knew to "When I Say Master" differed slightly from what you have printed as "When I Say Jesus." What was printed in the hymnal I used as director of the choir at the Mitteneague Congregational Church in Springfield, Massachusetts went as follows:

When I say Master, he drives away my fears.
When I say Father, he dries away my tears.
When I say Savior, my blinded eyes can see. When I say Jesus, he speaks peace to me.

From the little bit of research I've done today, I have learned the hymn was written by a man named Johnson in 1973 and also may have been entitled "The Sea Of Life Is Raging."
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