Somewhere beyond the sunset

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Somewhere beyond the sunset

Post by Carlene » Mon Sep 23, 2024 11:22 am

HI, I'm looking for the hymn Somewhere beyond the sunset by TS Hitchcock and BD Ackley
I sang it in Sunday school many moons ago and if i remember correctly it was written for SSA
I've searched all over for the sheet music or to purchase it digitally but no luck.
The words are
Somewhere beyond the sunset a perfect realm is found where all earths longings are fullfulled and endless joys abound....
Somewhere the sun is shining through mists of hazy blue. Somewhere there is no sorrow and hearts are happy and true.
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Re: Somewhere beyond the sunset

Post by songinmyheart » Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:35 pm

Couldn't find it either but here's a clue: it's in this hymnal

The hymnal is available online. Search:
Church Service Hymns - Homer Rodeheaver, George W. Sanville
and you'll find several sellers
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Re: Somewhere beyond the sunset

Post by steveliu » Tue Oct 01, 2024 5:42 am

Good news! I was able to find the lyrics. Here they are:

Somewhere, beyond the sunset, A perfect realm is found
Where all earth's holy longings are fulfilled,
And endless joys abound.

Somewhere, beyond the sunset, We'll see the Saviour we adore,
We'll fall in worship at His dear feet, And reign with Him forevermore.

Somewhere, beyond the sunset, There is a place, I know,
Where we shall find the friends we've loved and lost,
In days of long ago.

Somewhere, beyond the sunset, The time is in God's hands,
When He shall summon us to Him above,
For all our way He plans.

There's not a lot of biographical information about T.S. Hitchcock, but from my research he passed well before 1953, which means this work is in the public domain. Here's the music for it.

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