Have a few lyrics, no title - I'm gonna walk around

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Have a few lyrics, no title - I'm gonna walk around

Post by ddturner » Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:12 am

A dear friend at church has been humming an old southern gospel song for a couple of years. A few lyrics have come to him recently...one at a time. "I'm gonna walk around, gonna sit right down, I'm gonna put on my robe and crown. I'm gonna put on my walking shoes". Could p-o-s-s-i-bly have been a Chuck Wagon tune. Not real sure of these exact lyrics, but pretty close. The tune has a very rhythmic beat. The search for the title and the complete lyrics is driving him nuts. He even goes to bed humming it. Any ideas anyone? It would mean so much to my lifelong friend. I do remember the tune somewhat and a few words also, but am a complete blank when it comes to a title, more words or artist(s). Any bits or pieces to this mystery tune will be a blessing.

Have a few lyrics, no title - I'm gonna walk around

Post by Guest » Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:07 pm

I am looking for the words to the same song. It is a great song and I want it sung at my funeral.....It is so upbeat and is a great acopella song. Another lyric I remember of the song is When the trumpets sound..gonna wear a crown.

Have a few lyrics, no title - I'm gonna walk around

Post by Guest » Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:09 pm

I'm not sure if this is the one you are looking for.
This is called "My Robe and Crown" from a Principles CD "Mama's Letter to Jesus." If this one isn't the right one, let me know.
Mae Belle


There'll be no sorrow there when I get my robe and crown
There'll be no sorrow there when I get my robe and crown
There'll be no sorrow there when I get my robe and crown
Praise God, Hallelujah, Amen
There'll be no sickness there when I get my robe and crown
I'm a gonna get my robe and crown over there, over there
There'll be no heartaches there when I get my robe and crown
King Jesus will be there when I get my robe and crown
I'm a gonna get my robe and crown over there, over there
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Have a few lyrics, no title - I'm gonna walk around

Post by whiteyowhite » Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:22 pm

I think maybe this maybe the title of the song you are looking for.
"We Shall Wear a Robe and Crown"I think the Nelons used to sing this

Re: Have a few lyrics, no title - I'm gonna walk around

Post by sheliab » Thu Oct 03, 2024 4:20 pm

This is probably way too late, but someone else may need it, so here's the Chuckwagon Gang doing the song I think you mean
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