Does someone knows the Melody of this Song? "I'm Happy now"

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Does someone knows the Melody of this Song? "I'm Happy now"

Post by Erika » Fri Sep 01, 2023 9:38 am

When all the world was dark around me,
And heavy clouds were hanging low;
When hope was gon<; and life was dreary,
Defeated by my smful foe; My life indeed was sad and sinful,
And wretched as a life could be, I did not know of Christ my Saviour,
And from my sin I was not free.

CHORUS: I'm happy now! I'm happ.'· now! The clouds of gloom and doubt have lifted; My loving Lord has kept His word And turned my darkness into da.v; I praise His name, 0 bless His name, From ev'ry sin He sets me fr~, 0 glory, glory, hallelujah! 0 praise the Lord He loveth me.

One day I heard of Christ my Saviour,
One day I saw my lost estate, I heakened to the Spirit's wooing,
I knew that soon 'twould be too late;
With heavy heart, condemned and sinful,
I came to Christ t.he King of love I told Him I was sick and sorry
And needed mercy from above.

There are also other verses...but i don't know the Melody, can someone help me?
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