picking up the pieces of my life

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picking up the pieces of my life

Post by sweetmama » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:44 pm

picking up the pieces of my life bringing new releases just in time,
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picking up the pieces of my life

Post by bren9565 » Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:41 pm

This is a beautiful song, we sing it at our church, God Bless!

Picking up the pieces

What is this desire, it seems we always have,
we want to do things our own way,
we come to our human failures, and we can't admit that we are wrong,
he's right there, picking up the pieces of my life.

Picking up the pieces of my life, he bringing new releases just in time,
just when I've exausted, all the ways to bring them all together,
he's picking up the pieces of my life.

Looking back on my yesterdays, my life was shattered in so many ways,
but I tried so very very very hard to put the puzzle in to place,
bur now I see your loving hands, they are reaching out to me,
he's picking up the pieces of my life.

picking up the pieces of my life

Post by Guest » Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:17 am

who sang this song, original artist.

picking up the pieces of my life

Post by Guest » Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:50 pm

Steve Archer sang this song on the cassette that I had. Does anyone have the chords for this song, I would like to add this to our worship set. Is there a sound track available?

picking up the pieces of my life

Post by Guest » Mon Jan 20, 2014 5:20 am

This song I beleive was from a band I heard as a kid in the 80s
The band was called "Love Chapter Band"
I think the album is Aiming for the Heart 1983

I wish I could find a copy as my cassette tape was destroyed many years ago

This music was important to me as a young believer many years ago

Re: Pickin' Up The Pieces

Post by kbase » Fri Nov 01, 2024 7:48 pm

This song was written and recorded by Tim Archer on The Archers' 'Stand Up' album (1979).
I had this album, knew every lyric and was in love with Steve Archer; I was 12 years old at the time.
I went to church in the small town of Oakdale, CA, where (prior to my moving there) the Archers had attended High School and were close friends with many in our church. Steve once attended our church children's Christmas program where I sang in a trio with my sister and the pastor's daughter. After the program, Steve himself encouraged me vocally, and I still remember it to this day. I still love listening to their music; such formative years for me.
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