I am looking for the lyrics to a song I know as "Hymn To Man". I sang this with a group in the early 1970's. The first verse is:
Hail to Him who in this time,
Resolute in faith sublime,
Strengthened by eternal power,
Meets the challenge of the hour.
(The first line could be, "Hail to Thee who in this time"
Another verse is:
Blest is he who God shall find,
Ready now to serve mankind,
First to fight for common good,
Honor, peace and brotherhood.
I have searched the internet and have come up empty.
lyrics to HYMN TO MAN
lyrics to HYMN TO MAN
I found the words in a song book from Fred Waring.
Re: lyrics to HYMN TO MAN
Truth alone his homage claiming, faith in God his soul proclaiming, where the unknown future lies, steep the path but great the prize.
Re: lyrics to HYMN TO MAN
Yes, I remember singing this to in Central Junior high school in Salt Lake City Utah. I think there’s a verse that goes All When were the games rejected towards the Heights? His gaze directed where the unknown future lies. Something like that
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