Been searching for a song - only have some lyrics - The wonder of it all

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Been searching for a song - only have some lyrics - The wonder of it all

Post by onepug » Sun Sep 08, 2024 2:52 pm

Hello all,

I have been searching for a song that has "The wonder of it all" in the chorus, but all searches for such songs have proved fruitless.
There are songs titled "The wonder of it all", but none of them are what I am looking for.

The lyrics that I recall are:

Oh, the wonder of it all,
that love should die for me,
Oh, the wonder of it all,
that through his death comes life for me

And into the darkness a precious light has come
To a broken and weary world God gave his only son

...or something very close to that.
Anyone know what song this is and where I can find it?
Thanks much.

Re: Been searching for a song - only have some lyrics - The wonder of it all

Post by anne » Fri Dec 06, 2024 7:30 am

I remember singing the song in youth group! I can’t remember how the chorus goes- I will look for this song!
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