Lyrics: there is only one god in the bible

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Lyrics: there is only one god in the bible

Post by connerlw » Sat Jun 04, 2022 8:14 pm

The tune goes to my Bonnie lies over the ocean

There is only one god in the Bible
My bible so plainly declares

Does anyone know the rest of the words?

Re: Lyrics: there is only one god in the Bible

Post by Guest » Mon May 15, 2023 5:48 pm

The scripture quite plainly declares, some people think God is 3 persons but I can’t find that anywhere.

Chorus) there’s just one God, One God, One God is sufficient for me, not three there’s just One God, One God , One God is sufficient for me,

2) We all know there is only one satan, on this folks can seem to agree, why then to fight only one Satan they think that God has to be 3 beats me….

3) let’s make this real simple:
There’s only one throne up in Heaven, you won’t find another one there, so if God was really 3 persons, He’d have to play musical chairs!

Re: Lyrics: there is only one god in the Bible

Post by Lyla » Mon May 15, 2023 5:51 pm

1) There’s only one God in the Bible, the scripture quite plainly declares, some people think God is 3 persons but I can’t find that anywhere.

Chorus) there’s just one God, One God, One God is sufficient for me, not three there’s just One God, One God , One God is sufficient for me,

2) We all know there is only one satan, on this folks can seem to agree, why then to fight only one Satan they think that God has to be 3 beats me….

3) let’s make this real simple:
There’s only one throne up in Heaven, you won’t find another one there, so if God was really 3 persons, He’d have to play musical chairs!

Re: Lyrics: there is only one god in the bible

Post by Guest » Tue May 16, 2023 10:28 am

The tune of this song is quite melodious. I heard it once and was very impressed with it.

Re: Lyrics: there is only one god in the bible

Post by clwimberley » Wed Dec 18, 2024 9:00 pm

do we know the actual title of the song... or who wrote where it was published or where to find a recording of it?
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