hymn to tune of Edelweiss

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hymn to tune of Edelweiss

Post by Guest » Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:23 pm

Contrary to popular belief, a copyrighted song CAN be preformed in church by a group or person performing the song. However, you cannot project or show the words for group singing without a CCLI license. In a twist of this, if someone preforms the song,They can VOICE out the words for the audience to repeat and sing.

hymn to tune of Edelweiss

Post by Guest » Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:01 am

The song you are referring to was written by the organist from my home church. We used to sing it all the time as a kid!

Re: hymn to tune of Edelweiss MaryMoon

Post by sunwater » Sat Jan 04, 2025 8:32 pm

Thank you MaryMoon
Nearly 20 years on your post has meant so much to me.

We used to sing this at Camp King Germany Army chapel. And we're told the same thing about the copy right laws.

But never ever do I hear this song or watch Sound of Music, as I am tonight that I want to sing what was our benediction 35 years ago.
So glad you posted.
Thank you
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