Need lyrics to "Come see a man, a man named Jesus, both the Lord and Christ"

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Need lyrics to "Come see a man, a man named Jesus, both the Lord and Christ"

Post by jaidenmommy » Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:39 am

I know this much.......Well come see a man, a man named Jesus. Oh come see a man, both the Lord and Christ. Well he turned water into wine, gave sight back to the blind......
Its on youtube, my favorite version is Josh Bowman doing it but I have a hard time making out the words of the verses
janet mcfalls

Re: Need lyrics to "Come see a man, a man named Jesus, both the Lord and Christ"

Post by janet mcfalls » Thu Jan 09, 2025 4:39 am

Come see a man this man named Jesus
Come see a man both Lord and Christ
He turns water into wine and he gives sight to the blind
He’s the water and the bread
Got the power to raise the dead
Come see a man named Jesus Christ

(Verse 1)
Now tell me who’s this man they say
That the winds and waves obey
He’s the Christ of Calvary
Died on the cross for you and me
All of my life for Him’s been given
All of my sin has been forgiven
He’s the only hope for living
Come see a man named Jesus Christ

(Verse 2)
With his disciples on that day
Who am I do all men say -
Some say you’re John of the prophets of old -
But Simon Peter had to stand up bold
“Thou art Christ the Son of God
All power in Heaven and Earth you trod!”
He’s coming back in glory divine
Riding on a cloud and his face will shine
Come see a man named Jesus Christ!
(Written by Josh Bowman)
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