Descant lyrics for Silent Night

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Re: Descant lyrics for Silent Night

Post by Kari754 » Tue Dec 08, 2020 7:37 pm

The song is called oh night of holy memory it is in the silver Burdett blue music book grade 6 copyright 1956 page 92 originally it appears to be copyrighted in 1945 and was used by permission for that music curriculum book. The words are
'Neath the silent Stars a town is sleeping
flocks are safe within the fold
secure from danger want or cold
Silent,silent night holy night holy night
sleep in peace sleep in Heavenly peace in peace ....
the second verse is
Over moonlit Plains are Angels winging,
see their robes of glistening gold
reflecting a celestial light? (That's what it says.) Silent,silent night, holy infant so tender and mild, rSleep in heavenly peace, in peace.
I hope that helps everyone. I used to teach elementary music and choose curriculum for the schools for music.
I've been singing it for 50 years but this is the first time I found it in the book, thanks to someone else on this website that said it was in a silver Burdett music book.
Quite beautiful and fun to sing as a descant along with Silent Night melody,, I've often wondered if it might sound beautiful all by itself as well
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Re: Descant lyrics for Silent Night

Post by coram14 » Fri Dec 09, 2022 9:49 pm

I've also been trying to find the words. We sang it in our childrens choir in the 50's/60's. It went...
'Neatht the silent stars a child is sleeping
Flocks are safe within the fold
Secure from danger, want or cold
Silent, Silent Night
Holy, Holy night
Sleep in heavenly peace (2 times)
I think this is it or close to it. That was over 60 years ago.

Re: Descant lyrics for Silent Night

Post by christmasclaud » Fri Dec 06, 2024 4:50 pm

Here is a link to a family singing it beautifully.

Re: Descant lyrics for Silent Night

Post by rdjw » Sat Jan 25, 2025 1:25 am

I sang this descant with the all city children's choir, would have been 1963 or -4. Many years later I sang in in a family singalong on Christmas eve. My aunt, who was a minister's wife, and very musical, had never heard it. She also thought it lovely, so I taught it to her. I am pleased to find that it is still known. It IS lovely.
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