Hymn ending in then... Then

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Hymn ending in then... Then

Post by msmom1994 » Sat Dec 09, 2023 11:46 am

I am looking for a hymn the ends in the words then.... Then
Posts: 35
Joined: Mon Oct 14, 2024 3:24 am

Re: Hymn ending in then... Then

Post by tab2010 » Tue Jan 28, 2025 9:52 pm

Is this the song?

What Then?

When the great plants of our cities, have turned out their last finished work; When our merchants have sold their last yard of silk, and dismissed the last tired clerk. When the banks have raked in there last dollar, and paid the last dividend; When the Judge of the earth says: “Close for the night.” And he asks for a balance; What then?

What then? What then? When the great book is opened, What then? When a world that rejected its Savior, is asked for a reason; What then?

When the choir has sung its last anthem, and the preacher has made his last prayer; When the people have heard their last sermon, and the sound has died out on the air. When the Bible lies closed on the altar, and the pews are all empty of men; And each one stands facing his own record, and the great book is opened; What then?

What then? What then? When the great book is opened, What then? When a world that rejected its Savior, is asked for a reason; What then?

When the actors have played their last drama, and the mimic has made his last fun; When the film has flashed its last picture, and the billboard displayed its last run. When the crowds seeking pleasure have vanished, and gone out in the darkness again; When the trumpet of ages is sounded, and we stand before Him, What then?

What then? What then? When the great book is opened, What then? When a world that rejected its Savior, is asked for a reason; What then?

When the bugle’s call sinks into silence, and the long marching columns stand still; When the captain repeats his last orders, and they’ve captured the last fort and hill. And the flag has been hauled from the masthead, and the wounded afield checked in; And a world that rejected its Savior, is asked for a reason, What then?

What then? What then? When the great book is opened, What then? When a world that rejected its Savior, is asked for a reason; What then?

Mahalia Jackson singing “What Then?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxsjnRCFYTM

A. A. Allen singing/ preaching “What Then?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6frS28WbAs
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