Lest I forget

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Lest I forget

Post by SharonJoy1958 » Tue Jul 11, 2017 5:05 pm

I have only heard this song once but it has stuck with me for over 30 years. I can't seem to find it anywhere. The lyrics go like this.

Lest I forget, I will lift my eyes to Calvary
There to view the Glory Jesus left behind
Lest I forget, I will lift my eyes to Calvary
My little world it crumbles to the ground.

We build our mansions and our castles
out of wood, stubble and hay
and we forget the words of Jesus
these things will pass away.

Lest I forget, I will lift my eyes to Calvary
My little world, it crumbles to the ground.

Has anyone else ever head this?

Re: Lest I forget

Post by SharonJoy » Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:28 pm

I heard this when I lived in the Bronx in 1977-82 and have not heard it since and no one I ask has ever heard it. I'm like you all of it stuck with me all these years.

Re: Lest I forget

Post by SharonJoy » Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:31 pm

Nothing like posting a reply to your own question. Buhahaha. I'm so stupid.
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Re: Lest I forget

Post by songinmyheart » Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:38 pm

Hi Sharon
I recently ran across this but haven't tried it.
If it works for you, let us know


If you have a tune that’s stuck in your head, just grab a microphone, hum that tune yourself and Midomi will be able tell you what that song is. Alternatively, you may play a short recording of that “unknown” track for Midomi to identify its name.
Unlike Shazam which is a mobile app, Midomi offers a web interface where you can can hum or sing for about 10 seconds and the service will then show you a list of matching songs. For best results, keep the volume bar in the green and avoid background noise.
Midomi is free to use online, but it also offers mobile apps for iPhone, Android, Nokia Ovi and Windows Mobile phones. You can identify songs by holding your phone up to a speaker or by singing / humming the melody into the phone itself.

Re: Lest I forget

Post by rae » Thu Jan 30, 2025 3:56 pm

The John Marshal Family has done a rendition of it. https://www.johnmarshallfamily.com/

I have an old recording but am trying to find it again also.

One I line I recall which I don’t see in the other replies is:
“I bow my head and my heart gives in to Jesus”

Re: Lest I forget

Post by rae » Thu Jan 30, 2025 4:16 pm

Can be found on The John Marshall Family, 25th Anniversary Collection

Full lyrics as they sing them:

“Lest I forget, I will lift mine eyes toward heaven
There to see the glory Jesus left behind
And I’ll bow my head and my heart gives in to Jesus
My little world then crumbles to the ground

We build our mansions and our castles
out of wood, stubble and hay
And we forget the words of Jesus
These things shall pass away
Lest I forget, I will lift mine eyes toward heaven
My little world then crumbles to the ground

Lest I forget, there’s a cross that I will carry
In that cross instead of death new life begins
Here am I dear Lord, this is all I have to offer
As clay in thy hands make my life count for Thee

He is building mansions for us in glory
out of stone, silver and gold
Still we forget the words of Jesus
Many times though we’ve been told
Lest I forget, I will lift mine eyes toward heaven
My little world then crumbles to the ground
My little world then crumbles to the ground”
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