Daughters of Jerusalem (Listen, Calling for You)

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Daughters of Jerusalem (Listen, Calling for You)

Post by cnd » Fri Dec 30, 2016 6:55 am

Hi, I have an old gospel LP and one of the songs if called "DAUGHTERS OF JERUSALEM." After a lot of searching I finally managed to find some lyrics online for it here: http://jacksonsnyder.com/arc/Divine%20N ... 0Songs.htm

The only problem is, the only verse I had trouble with sounds different from this one and all other lyrics I've found

"Daughters of Jerusalem, my fairest in array," sounds to me more like "might owe its sin array" but is pronounced mre like "my ??chowest?? in array" or something like that. Does this sound familiar to anyone else?

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Daughters of Jerusalem (Listen, Calling for You)

Post by songinmyheart » Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:01 pm

Hi cnd

It would be "my choicest in array" that you're hearing

What is the title of the old gospel LP and what information is attributed to this song

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Daughters of Jerusalem (Listen, Calling for You)

Post by cnd » Sun Jan 08, 2017 4:13 am


It credits the song as anonymous, but that is very questionable, since they listed nearly every song as anonymous when the vast majority were, in fact, not. That being said, the best I could find it was by Afton Newsome, but I don't have any concrete evidence to support that.

And though choicest would make since, there is DEFINITELY a "w" in the middle of "chowest," but that doesn't seem to make sense

The way they sing it, it almost sounds like "my toewis in array" (as in tow - wiss), or maybe even "much owe is sin array"

My best guess now is "much owe us in array"

If you would like, I could email the file to you or put it up online or something and you can try your hand at it. It's the very first verse of the song in this version,
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Daughters of Jerusalem (Listen, Calling for You)

Post by songinmyheart » Sun Jan 08, 2017 12:23 pm

Yes cnd

In searching I ran across reference to Afton Newsome but ruled that out
as the lyrics are entirely different than the ones in the link you posted

If you put it up online we can all weigh in and "crack the case"
We'll look forward to you posting the link to The Calvary Echoes
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Daughters of Jerusalem (Listen, Calling for You)

Post by cnd » Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:20 pm


There is the link

Here is where I got the Afton Newsom credit. The lyrics are similar but in a different order


Here are my lyrics so far:


Daughters of Jerusalem, my ??chowest?? in array (might owe its sin array)
Come lay upon my bosom, where the one disciple lay
Daughters of Jerusalem, it is the close of day
Listen, I'm calling to you

I've sent the Holy Ghost and Fire to gather into One
My virgins fair, the undefiled, our Father's will be done
But you must run the race, love, until the race is won
Listen, I'm calling to you

Calling to you, my love, listen, I'm calling to you
Calling to you, my love, listen, I'm calling to you

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Daughters of Jerusalem (Listen, Calling for You)

Post by songinmyheart » Sun Jan 08, 2017 4:27 pm

Hummmm. I've no idea
Hopefully a new ear can decipher this

Re: Daughters of Jerusalem (Listen, Calling for You)

Post by GHR » Fri May 08, 2020 5:09 pm

Daughters of Jerusalem

Daughters of Jerusalem, my lovely Shulamite.
Come hide within my lovely arms for onward comes thee night.
Daughters of Jerusalem, you are my pure delight
Listen, I’m calling to you.
I’m waiting at the lattice door open and let me in,
For I am ravished with thine eyes Thou art glorious within.
Put on thy strength O Zion, My reign will soon begin,
Listen I’m calling to you!

Calling to you, Listen I’m calling to you my love,
Calling to you, listen I’m calling to you.

Daughters of Jerusalem, come follow after me,
I’ll place you in the three in one, the Holy Trinity.
Daughters of Jerusalem, I long to look on thee,
Listen, I’m calling to you.
I’m waiting at the lattice door open and let me in,
For I am ravished with thine eyes Thou art glorious within.
Put on thy strength O Zion, My reign will soon begin,
Listen I’m calling to you!

Calling to you, Listen I’m calling to you my love,
Calling to you, listen I’m calling to you.

Re: Daughters of Jerusalem (Listen, Calling for You)

Post by DianeRamm » Wed Jun 24, 2020 12:41 pm

I remember the song well from my childhood. A traveling evangelist and family, who became close friends with our family, sung it many times during the years we were friends.

I believe the part,
“ I’m waiting at the lattice door open and let me in,
For I am ravished with thine eyes Thou art glorious within.”
Should be eyes, “their glorious light within”

I have hand written lyrics to many of their songs so I’m going to search it out.

Wow, this song really brought back memories from over 50 years ago for me.
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Re: Daughters of Jerusalem (Listen, Calling for You)

Post by pondskater » Sat Jun 05, 2021 2:35 pm

This is my grandfather's favorite and I want to have a copy of this. Thanks guys.

Re: Daughters of Jerusalem (Listen, Calling for You)

Post by leyhok » Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:46 am

The Phrase "Daughters of Jerusalem" is mentioned over 70 times in the Bible; most notably when Jesus uses it in Luke 23, but also in the song of Solomon --this last seems to be referenced in the lyrics by David Brymer. (Additionally, the Brits have a national women's institute that uses a Jerusalem hymn from a poem by William Blake from 1804. (It was was set to stirring music during WWI). Search engine produced a reference that the Biblical phrasing refers to a land awaiting a King, so it ties into multiple Biblical prophecies. My last note is that there is a choral group of 25 young Palestinian women who call themselves the Daughters of Jerusalem. If they are singing in English without understanding the words, it could result in the illogical syllables the earlier poster is concerned about hearing.
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