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Jesus Jesus you know what's best for me

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 8:04 am
by Yanieka
May I have the verses for this song please. It goes like this. Jesus, Jesus you know what's best for me. Jesus Jesus I'll go wherever you lead.

Jesus Jesus you know what's best for me

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 12:21 pm
by songinmyheart
Hi Yanieka,
Is this the song you are looking for?

CONTRAST by Joan Ewing

Before every victory, there's a battle to fight
Before every sunrise, one must live thru the night;
Before the grave bursts open on a resurrection morn
There's a hill to be climbed and a cross to be borne

Jesus Jesus You know what's best for me
Lead on Jesus I'll go wherever You lead.

Into the ground a grain of wheat is fallen and is dead
But on some tomorrow the hungry will have bread
My sails were torn, my little boat tossed helplessly at sea
But how else could I have learned that He'd rescued one like me.