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For What Earthly Reason * Artist ?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 2:08 am
by Guest
Hi Everyone, Hope ya'll are having a blessed night.

I heard this song, tonight - For What Earthly Reason

Can someone tell me who sings it and post the lyrics here, please?

Re: For What Earthly Reason * Artist ?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 3:40 am
by songinmyheart
Dottie Rambo wrote it

For What Earthly Reason

For what earthly reason would the heavenly Father send down his Son
To suffer rejection and pay for crimes He had not done?
For what earthly reason would the Father let Him hang on a tree?
I wept with the answer, the one earthly reason was me.

I was the reason, that one earthly reason;
I was the guilty, He was the sacrifice;
I was the taker, He was the giver,
Dying while I go free, That one earthly reason was me.

The fairest of angels were not summoned from the throne up in the sky
To purchase my pardon and not even the angels could die.
The only provision for my freedom was destined to be
The sweet Lamb of Glory, and His only reason was me.

Other single artists and quartets have recorded it
The Cathedrals -

Re: For What Earthly Reason * Artist ?

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 1:30 am
by Guest
Ah, Dottie Rambo's songs is good and I enjoy them.

Thanks SongInMyHeart, for the songs and for the videos.