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Lyrics? - 50s, He suffered there for me...

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 7:21 pm
by matthews
A friend heard a song in the 50s, possibly at Church of God, and remembers bit of it. It would mean a lot to him to find the lyrics, possibly sheet music for guitar, and maybe a recording if it has been recorded.

In my fancy I can see
A dark scene in Gethsemene
How a mob with torches bright
Sought the Savior there that night
How in agony he prayed
With a kiss he was betrayed
And they led him off to Pilates judgment hall

Chorus: He suffered there for me
On that cruel Calvary
Dying there alone
Far from God and home
Sinner can't you see
What he did for you and me
Dying there alone on Calvary.