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Do it again lord

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 9:40 pm
by jlukens86
Looking for the lyrics to an old song we used to sing in church

Here's the chorus

Do it again Lord, do it again
Send down the power, the rain, and the wind
You'll never change you're the same now as then
Lord oh lord wont you do it again

I know one of the verses had something to do with the upper room.

Re: Do it again lord

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2024 4:27 pm
by hogsruleall
Do it again lord do it again, send down the fire the rain and the wind, you'll never change you're the same now as then, lord oh lord won't you do it again

Elijah was facing all the prophets of baal
But he served a god that could never fail
The odds were against his but he stood his ground
Elijah prayed and the fire came down

In and upper room they were in one accord
A hundred and twenty were praising the lord
When suddenly there came a sound like a rushing mighty wind
It filled the house they were sitting in