One More Time Around The Walls of Jericho

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One More Time Around The Walls of Jericho

Post by HVSmith » Fri Nov 12, 2021 7:54 pm

I just attended the KJV Jubilee and there was a song sung that I am dying to find and I cannot find it for the life of me!. I found a video on YouTube of a man singing it in a mucch faster, upbeat tempo than the couple who sang it. Otherwise I cannot locate it anywhere. The lyrics are as follows:

Forty years they wandered in the desert
Going round in circles in the sand
But now that they had finally crossed the Jordan
They were standing on the edge of Canaan land
Joshua said Let's keep pressing onward
But Jericho was standing in the way
For seven days they marched around the city
And then they heard the voice of Joshua say

One more time around the walls of Jericho
One more time and then we'll see them fall
Victory's just a step away so we can't turn back now
Let's keep marching one more time around the Jericho wall

You may see the problems all around you
Like mighty cities reaching towards the sky
Keeping you from moving on for Jesus
And wondering if you should even try
But keep on pressing onward for the Master
No matter what is standing in the way
For Jesus will be there to win those battles
Just listen close and you will hear Him say

One more time around the walls of Jericho
One more time and then we'll see them fall
Victory's just a step away so we can't turn back now
Let's keep marching one more time around the Jericho wall

I have the lyrics. I just need an artist. If I could sing I would record myself singing it but that's certainly not the gift God gave to me! If anyone knows an artist PLEASE let me know, Thanks so much brethren and God bless

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Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:50 pm

Re: One More Time Around The Walls of Jericho

Post by songinmyheart » Sat Nov 20, 2021 11:00 pm

Oops I posted the wrong link.
and the first is probably the one you found
Hopefully someone else can assist us in the search

Re: One More Time Around The Walls of Jericho

Post by anonymousssssss » Sun Dec 15, 2024 11:03 pm

Here's the recording from that Jubilee! I know it was a long time ago but I'm just seeing this! ... p=iAQB8AUB
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