song lyrics - God's not dead, He's still alive

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song lyrics - God's not dead, He's still alive

Post by Guest » Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:32 am

I would like the song lyrics to a song that goes something like this.:God's not dead,He's still alive.God's not dead,no,He's still alive.I can feel Him in my hands ,I can feel Him in my feet,I can feel Him all over me."

song lyrics - God's not dead, He's still alive

Post by Guest » Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:43 am

God's not dead (Oh, no!)
He's still alive
God's not dead (Oh, no!)
He's still alive
God's not dead (Oh, no!)
He's still alive
I can feel Him in my hands (clap, clap, clap)
Feel Him in my feet (stomp, stomp, stomp)
Feel Him in my heart (dum, dum, dum)
Feel Him in my soul (whooo)
I can feel Him all over me.
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Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:15 pm

song lyrics - God's not dead, He's still alive

Post by ethansgg » Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:33 pm

I belive that is all of the song. We sing it in our church and thats the only words we use. Good Luck.

song lyrics - God's not dead, He's still alive

Post by Guest » Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:14 pm

I love that song GOD Is not dead He still alive
GOD is not dead he still alive I can feel it in my hands
I can feel it in my feet

I can feel it all over me.

today PBC sing that song at both services

Evette Goodridge
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song lyrics - God's not dead, He's still alive

Post by Holyone » Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:00 am

There are verses to this song as well. It's a little different from the one above though, I guess you could say it's a Pentecostal version as this is the way we sing it at my church which is a Church of God (Pentecostal)

I talked to Him this morning no God's not dead ,I talked to Him this morning no God's not dead I talked to Him this morning no God's not dead I can feel Him in my hands I can Feel Him in my feet I can feel Him all over me.

God's not dead no He's still alive God's not dead no He's still alive
God's not dead no He's still alive I can feel Him in my hands
I can Feel Him in my feet I can feel Him all over me.

He healed me when I was sick no God's not dead He healed me when I was sick no God's not dead He healed me when I was sick no God's not dead I can feel Him in my hands i can Feel Him in my feet I can feel Him all over me.

God's not dead no He's still alive God's not dead no He's still alive
God's not dead no He's still alive I can feel Him in my hands
I can Feel Him in my feet I can feel Him all over me.

He gave me the Holy Ghost No God's not dead, He gave me the Holy Ghost No God's not dead,He gave me the Holy Ghost no God's not dead I can feel Him in my hands I can Feel Him in my feet I can feel Him all over me

God's not dead no He's still alive God's not dead no He's still alive
God's not dead no He's still alive I can feel Him in my hands
i can Feel Him in my feet I can feel Him all over me.

song lyrics - God's not dead, He's still alive

Post by Guest » Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:55 pm

We sing the chorus ...I can feel Him in my hands, I can feel Him in my feet, I can feel Him in the church, I can feel Him in the street, I can feel Him in the air, I can feel Him everywhere, I can feel Him all over me.

other verses are ...

He woke me up this morning and He's still alive, etc

He set me feet a dancin and He's still alive, etc

He filled me with the Holy Ghost, He's still alive, etc

then you can break into...I've got Him, I've got Him. I've got Him, I've got Him. There's something about that Holy Ghost...I can't explain, but I've got him, I've got Him.

He's got me, He's got me (the rest would be like the above)

Then...He's just like fire in my bones (2 more times) The Holy Ghost is fire in my bones. Fire, fire, fire in my bones (2 more times) The Holy Ghost is fire in my bones.

then back to either the I've Got Him part or God's not dead. This song can go on for a while if the Spirit is moving!!

song lyrics - God's not dead, He's still alive

Post by Guest » Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:39 pm

I love that son! 8D

song lyrics - God's not dead, He's still alive

Post by Guest » Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:01 pm

i love it my favorite.

song lyrics - God's not dead, He's still alive

Post by Guest » Tue May 10, 2011 5:15 pm

My grandpa, Rev. C.E. George, wrote this song YEARS ago. He also wrote verses that are not well known. The beat really changes for the verses...almost talk/sing beat. My mom said that a group (she can't remember offhand) recorded the song in the 70s but sang singing verses that grandpa did not write...but that he loved. If I can find those verses, I'll try to share them as well. I understand the original song and verses go as follows:


God's not dead. He's still alive.
God's not dead. He's still alive.
God's not dead. He's still alive.
I feel Him in my hands.
I feel Him in my feet.
I feel Him in my heart.
I feel Him all over me.
God's not dead. He's alive.

Verse 1:

Some folks say that God is dead. He just don't live no (any) more.
That since He died upon the cross, He's not the same as before.
But on the third day, the stone rolled away. The God I serve did arise.
The god you're serving may be dead, but my God's still alive.

Verse 2:

The world is serving the Gods that are dead, they can't hear nor feel nor see.
But I'm here to tell you that that kind of God would never do for me.
For you see I serve a God who lives and always hears my cry.
The world is serving the gods who are dead; but, hey, our God is alive.

song lyrics - God's not dead, He's still alive

Post by Guest » Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:44 pm

well in my church we use to watch a video of the song but i cant find out the lyrics on youtube and the verse was something like my hands are on the roof but none of u said that so it didnt help. AHHHH!
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