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Need help finding a hymn name/lyrics for my moms funeral, please help - So return, to thy rest

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:26 pm
by Guest
I really need some help finding the actual name and lyrics to a hymn. My mom has stage 4 cancer, so she doesnt have that much longer with us. And right now I have the painful task of talking to her about her wishes for her funeral. She really loves this one hymn, but I dont know the name of it and she can only remember part of the words (her memory is fading). So here is all I know of the lyrics...

...So return, to thy rest. Oh my soul, oh my soul...

I know thats not much to go on but its all either of us can remember. If anyone can help me out I would really be so greatful. You can email me at [email protected] Thank you so much to anyone that can help me, this is hard enough as it is, so thank you.

Need help finding a hymn name/lyrics for my moms funeral, please help - So return, to thy rest

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:22 pm
by Guest
Hi there

I wonder is it 'return to thy rest oh my soul' by Amy Gustafson? you can check her out on google.

Hope this helps