Keep your hand on the plow, Hold On

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Keep your hand on the plow, Hold On

Post by iltenore » Sat Jan 14, 2006 3:59 pm

I am looking for the lyrics for the verses to the old spiritual, Hold On. The refrain is " Hold on, hold on, keep-a-your hand on-a-the plow. Hold On"
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Keep your hand on the plow, Hold On

Post by steveliu » Sat Jan 21, 2006 9:30 pm

Hi Iltenore,

Here are the lyrics to this great old Spiritual:

Hold on, hold on

Keep your hand on the plow, hold on

If you want to get to Heav'n I tell you how
Just keep your hand on the Gospel plow
Keep your hand on the plow, hold on
If that plow stays in your hand
Land you straight the Promised land
Keep your hand on the plow, hold on

Mary wore three links of chain
Ev'ry link was my Jesus' name
Keep on plowing, don't you tire
Every round goes high an'higher

I Heard the voice of Jesus say
Come on to me, I am the way
When my way get through this night
O the Lord will be my light

You can talk about me as much as you please
For your talking ain't gonna stay on me
When I get to Heav'n go sing and shout
There'll be nobody There to put me out

God bless,

Keep your hand on the plow, Hold On

Post by Guest » Sat Feb 07, 2009 5:46 am


Well, I got my hands on the Gospel plow
And I wouldn't take nothin' for my journey now
Keep your hand on the plow of God
Hold on, hold on
Keep your hand on the plow hold on

Well, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
All those prophets are dead and gone
Keep your hand on the plow of God
Hold on, hold on
Keep your hand on the plow hold on

Well, I've never been to Heaven but I've been told
Streets up there are made of gold
Keep your hand on the plow of God
Hold on, hold on
Keep your hand on the plow hold on

Keep your hand on the plow, Hold On

Post by Guest » Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:23 pm

fisk jubilee singer

Keep your hand on the plow, Hold On

Post by Guest » Sat Mar 18, 2017 4:59 pm

Paul and Silas verses could be added. Sung by Tennessee Ernie Ford back in the 1960's but now on youtube.
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Re: Keep your hand on the plow, Hold On

Post by jenny.wallace71 » Fri Feb 17, 2023 8:55 pm

The one I’m looking for goes like this.

Put your hands on that plow and hold on.

Hold on , hold on , hold on
Put your hands on that plow and hold on.

Then there’s a partial line that says this

Peter got anxious and he said,
Wash my hands , my feet and my head
Put your hands on that plow and hold on.

The Singing Rexroats used to sing it if I’m not mistaken.

I’d really like to have all the lyrics to it.
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Re: Keep your hand on the plow, Hold On

Post by songinmyheart » Sat Feb 18, 2023 6:19 pm

Jenny, I think this might be the version you are looking for:

Lord, I went to church one day, for to hear them shout and pray

All to hear the preacher plow that gospel plow

Hold on, hold on, keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

The preacher said I must repent, so right down the aisle I went

Keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

Hold on, hold on, keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

I've never been to heaven but I've been told,

It's a first-class city and the streets are gold

Keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

Hold on, hold on, keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, All them prophets is dead and gone

Keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

Hold on, hold on, keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

Paul and Silas bound in jail, Had no one to go their bail

Keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

Hold on, hold on, keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

A Paul and Silas began to shout, The jail was open and they walked out

Keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

Hold on, hold on, keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

There was Peter so nice and neat,

He wouldn't let the savior wash his feet

Keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

Hold on, hold on, keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

Peter grew anxious and he said, Wash my feet, my hands, my head

Keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

Hold on, hold on, keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

I got my hand on the Gospel Plow,

I won't take nothing for my journey now

Keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

Hold on, hold on, keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

Keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on

Hold on, hold on, keep your hand on the plow, and you'll ride on
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Re: Put your hand on that plow, and Hold On

Post by jenny.wallace » Tue Mar 14, 2023 1:07 am

Hold On

Hold on
Hold on
Put your hands on that plow, hold on

Heard the voice of my Jesus say,
Come unto me, I am the way.
Put your hands on the plow, and hold on.

When my way gets dark as night,
I know the Lord will be my light,
Put your hands on that plow, and hold on.

Hold on
Hold on
Put your hands on that plow, and hold on

You can talk about me as much as you please
The more you talk, gonna stay on my knees.
Put your hands on that plow, andhold on.

When I get to heaven, gonna sing and shout
Be nobody there to put me out.
Put your hands on that plow, and hold on.

I know my robe's gonna fit me well,
I tried it on at the gates of Hell.
Put your hands on that plow, and hold on.

Hold on
Hold on , Hold on
Put your hands on that plow, and hold on

When the Lord , washed their feet,
Peter said , no , please Lord not me
Put your hand on that plow and hold on
So Peter got anxious and he said,
Wash my hands, my feet and my head
Put your hands on that plow and hold on

This is The Singing Rexroats version

I’m gonna record me singing it and post it on my YouTube page. I’ll post the link in case anyone wants to hear the tune.
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Re: Put your hand on that plow, and Hold On

Post by steveliu » Mon Apr 03, 2023 7:11 pm

jenny.wallace wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 1:07 am
I’m gonna record me singing it and post it on my YouTube page. I’ll post the link in case anyone wants to hear the tune.
Awesome, can't wait to hear it, Jenny! Please feel free to post a link to the video on your YouTube page here when it's ready so we can all find it. Thanks! :)
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Re: Keep your hand on the plow, Hold On

Post by jenny.wallace71 » Tue Apr 09, 2024 4:27 am

I am so sorry that I haven’t gotten the song recorded and uploaded yet. I will try to do that as soon as I can get over this awful head cold I’ve got.

Here the link to my YouTube page if anyone is interested. It’s not just me singing , there’s several different people who sing at my church. There’s also videos from when I sang with The Coffeys. They’re older videos , back in 2009.
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