Hi I am trying to find the Lyrics to a song/ hymn. I know the first line goes... Don't feel separated from anyone around, you are in the presence of the Lord.
Does anyone know the rest of it?
Don't feel separated
Re: Don't feel separated
Dont feel isolated you’re on friendly ground. You are in the presence of the Lord.Barnibus wrote: Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:57 am Hi I am trying to find the Lyrics to a song/ hymn. I know the first line goes... Don't feel separated from anyone around, you are in the presence of the Lord.
Does anyone know the rest of it?
Jesus, he gave his life for you and me. He took our sins so let them be. Jesus he died that we would all be free. You are in the presence of the Lord
2. Let him be your consolation, your sorrow he can feel you ate in the prescience of the Lord and let the love of Jesus into your heart to heal. You are in the presence of the Lord.
Chorus. Jesus he gave his life for you and me. He took our sins so let them be
Jesus he died that we would all be free. You are in the presence of the Lord.
3. So let’s join our hands together, our prayer to be the same, we are in the presence of the Lord, and let us raise our voices and praise his holy name, we are in the prescence of the Lord
Chorus. Jesus he gave his life for you and me, he took our sins so let them be. Jesus he died that we would all be free, we are in the presence of the Lord
Jesus he died that we would all be free. You are in the prescence of the Lord.
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