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find an old song - Im going to heaven Im going there

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 7:09 pm
by Guest
Hi , Iam looking for a song that the chours goes; Im going to heaven Im going there when I die Im going to heaven in the sweat sweat by and by Angels place my order for a manchion and a crown and when I get up younder just write my full name down. And thats all i can remember. A neighbor of mine wants the song, And I would be ever so thankful if someone could help me.
[email protected] Kenny Markin

find an old song - Im going to heaven Im going there

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 7:57 pm
by Guest
I have been trying to find the words to the song [ here i am ] have searched and searched to no avail. Can you help?

[email protected] Charlie Mesplay

find an old song - Im going to heaven Im going there

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:21 pm
by sundancer4058
Hi: I am Trying to find the lyric's to (I'M Not Ashamed) I think Part of it goes;
I'M not ashamed to ----------- for Jesus, came and died on calvary.
At least thats the way I can remember, If only I could say my for sure . Anyhow I sure would like any help anyone can give me. Thank You & God Bless Love
[email protected]

find an old song - Im going to heaven Im going there

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:46 pm
by isingforhim
I'm Going To Heaven

They tell me of a city, that's just beyond the sky
They say the population will never, never die.
There we'll walk forever upon the streets of gold
And in that land immortal, we'll never more grow old.

I'm going to Heaven, I'm going there when I die
I'm going to Heaven, in the sweet ,sweet by and by
I've placed my order far a mansion and a crown
And in that book up yonder, my name is written down

There will be no taxes, no rent we'll have to pay
This deed is for your mansion, we'll hear the angels say
No washing and no mending, no clothes that look threadbare.
We'll have a snow-white garment of righteousness to wear

There will be no sorrow, all tears are wiped away
The undertakers signboard will not be on display
There will be no doctor with a pillcase in his hand
For there will be no sickness within that happy land

We'll see the old time Baptist, who trod the holy way
Some Nazarines and Pilgrims, some Methodists they say
But best of all my brother, our Saviour we will see
And what a grand homecoming that glorious day will be.