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Thanks, and Happy 2008!

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 3:26 am
by steveliu
Well, it's that time of year again. I just wanted to thank everyone in the Name That Hymn community for your love for the Lord and for being there for each other this past year in the search for hymns. Whether the search is for contemporary music or old time gospel hymns, I am so touched whenever I see someone posting lyrics to a hymn that another is desperately searching for.

It seems that most of my time is spent these days is fighting the daily parade of spammers who are trying so hard to use this site to propogate their garbage. I suppose the battle against the spammers will be like the battle against the Amalekites--it'll go on from generation to generation :) But the fact that they keep trying is a testament to how useful you as a community have made it!

Thanks to all 3,729 of you who are registered users, and the hundreds of others who post anonymously. Since the board began, there have been over 7,200 posts, and God willing, we'll keep at it until everyone's found what they're looking for!

And special thanks to our "top 25" posters :)

whiteyowhite, SingerForGod, savedbygrace, jocerut, malachi456, sunset333s, Jesus_Keeps_Me, winka, sthrnldy1969, Chosen_one, carolla, HEKEEPSME, dreamklaiber, Jeannette, drsweets, workingforgod2004, em2010, Jessica36, lily62004, Pat, avilb, leslie007, cookie41332, yolaka, Brandyboo1

May you have a wonderful 2008, and may we continue to "speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with ours heart to the Lord!"

God bless!

Thanks, and Happy 2008!

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 11:34 pm
by whiteyowhite
Thanks Steve, this post was very nice of you and we all thank you for starting this site!! It makes me feel wonderful, when I get a reply saying how glad they were to get lyrics for a song that they had possibly searched for, for a long time

All of you"posters" keep on posting and all of you "replyers" keep on replying!!

GOD BLESS ALL!!!! Happy New Year everyone!!


Thanks, and Happy 2008!

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:11 pm
by Pat
Thank you so much for this website. It has helped me to find song after song
that I needed. My husband and I sing at church and other events and all the
songs listed here have been a tremendous help and blessing.
God Bless you,

Thanks, and Happy 2008!

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:43 am
by Guest
Thanks Steve. It is a wonderful website, and God bless you for putting all the time and effort into it.