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Couldn't have made it without You

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:35 pm
by Guest
Looking for the words of the song 'Couldn't have made it without You"

Couldn't have made it without You

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 2:26 pm
by msbubrry
could you be talking about "I couldn't make it without him". If so I have the words to that song.

I Couldn't Make It Without Him

Verse: 1
He let me try my wings because I ask him to,
knowing all the time I couldn't fly,
he gave my feet their liberty and let them walk their way,
and all the time I never asked him why.

But now I am beginning to understand,
he bought my life and he already had it planned,
oh foolish me I could not see sin had my vision dimmed,
but he let me go just so I would know I couldn't make it without him.

Verse: 2
He let me choose my footsteps down the road of life,
but farther from his care my feet did trod,
the easy way was bright and gay without a cross to bare,
but my road took me far away from God.