words to On The Shores Of Blue Galilee
words to On The Shores Of Blue Galilee
Can you help find the lyrics to a song that sang at A.A.Allens mettings On The Shores Of Blue Galilee are By The Shores Of The Blue Galilee My hubbie has looked for some time for the words Thanks & GOD BLESS
words to On The Shores Of Blue Galilee
SORRY: The words we think are "They came and they were blessed and there war'y soles confess And he cause the blinded eye's to see and he cause the lame to walk and cause dumm to talk by the shours of blue Galilee Thank you so Much for your help. GOD BLESS
words to On The Shores Of Blue Galilee
We always sang it as, They came and they were blessed, their weary souls found rest, God caused the blinded eyes to see, the lame were made to walk, the dumb were made to talk, by the shores of the blue Galilee.
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words to On The Shores Of Blue Galilee
The lyrics & sheet music
words to On The Shores Of Blue Galilee
We always sang it as, They came and they were blessed, their weary souls found rest, God caused the blinded eyes to see, the lame were made to walk, the dumb were made to talk, by the shores of the blue Galilee.
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