I'm A One God Apostolic---need help with Chords

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I'm A One God Apostolic---need help with Chords

Post by ipclayton » Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:43 pm

I would like some help with the CHORDS to this song. This is a pretty fast song if you have not heard of it.
"I'm A one- God Apostolic, tongue talking, holy-roller, born again
Heaven bound believer in the liberating power of Jesus' name
I've been washed in the blood, sanctified by the spirit,
I believe in holiness and I suggest you do the same.
I was set free at an Apostolic altar on my knees
so you'll pardon me if I'm not ashamed to be a one God Apostolic,
tongue talking, holy roller, born again,
Heaven bound believer in the liberating power of Jesus' Name"

I'm A One God Apostolic---need help with Chords

Post by Guest » Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:11 pm

Ah you got some of the ords wrong. this si the real one.

I'm a one God Apostolic tongue-talking holy-roller
Born again, heaven-bound, believer in the liberated power of Jesus name
I've been washed in the blood, sanctified by the spirit
I believe in holiness and I suggest that you do the same
I was set free at a PENTECOSTAL alter on my knees
Would you pardon me if I'm not ashamed
To be a one God Apostolic tongue-talking holy-roller
Born again, heaven-bound, believer in the liberated power of Jesus name

Pentecostal is the right word (it's in caps above)

I'm A One God Apostolic---need help with Chords

Post by Guest » Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:13 am

Cets right....
And cont...

We are soldiers
In Gods army
We gonna stand
No matter what the cost
We wont give up
Oh no Oh no
We are on the Winning Side
We got to hold on
The battle is the Lord!!

I'm A One God Apostolic---need help with Chords

Post by Guest » Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:32 pm

im looking for the words for that song and cant find them ugh

I'm A One God Apostolic---need help with Chords

Post by Guest » Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:47 pm

1) You won't catch me preaching on the street. I'm too shy to talk to people when we meet. But then one day, out on town square, a bunch of kids were gathered there, throwing beer cans at the law and shouting, "Peace, peace." Well, I did not intend to interfere, till someone started screaming in my ear. So I laid both hands on his head, and I prayed while he turned red; and the other kids said, "Let's get out of here!"

2) I never testify when I'm at school. People will say that I'm not cool. But then one day I had enough of that Evolution stuff. So I stood right up and I said, "God's word is true!" My teacher did not know what to do. It seemed like he was shaking in his shoes. Though he knew I meant no harm, he took me by the arm and said, "Son, what religion are you?"

3) On the job I never say a word. I figure they all know I go to church. But when my boss man asked me in for a tonic and some gin, I began to think, "Perhaps he hasn't heard." So I said, "No sir, I am not the drinking kind! Excepting for a thing they call new wine!" As he lost his cigar smoke, it seemed like he would choke. I proceeded to explain it one more time.

I'm a one God, Apostolic, tongue-talking, holy rollin', born again, heaven-bound believer in the liberating power of Jesus' name. I've been washed in the blood, sanctified by the Spirit. I believe in holiness and I suggest for you to do the same. I was set free at a Pentecostal altar on my knees. Pardon me if I'm not ashamed, to be a one God, Apostolic, tongue-talking, holy rollin', born again, heaven-bound believer in the liberating power of Jesus' name!

I'm A One God Apostolic---need help with Chords

Post by Guest » Mon May 28, 2012 1:00 am

I'm a one God Apostolic tongue-talking holy-roller
Born again, heaven-bound, believer in the liberated power of Jesus name
I've been washed in the blood, sanctified by the spirit
I believe in holiness and I suggest that you do the same
I was set free at a PENTECOSTAL alter on my knees
Would you pardon me if I'm not ashamed
To be a one God Apostolic tongue-talking holy-roller
Born again, heaven-bound, believer in the liberated power of Jesus name

I'm A One God Apostolic---need help with Chords

Post by Guest » Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:03 am

i would like to know the song

I'm A One God Apostolic---need help with Chords

Post by Guest » Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:55 pm

I am a one God apostolic tongue talkin' holy Rollin born again heaven bound believer in the liberating power of Jesus name.I have been washed in the blood sanctified by the spirit, I beleive in holiness and I suggest you do the same.I have been set free at a Pentecostal altar on my knees. If you want to hea me sing this go to my YouTube channel, DylanApostolic11.

I'm A One God Apostolic---need help with Chords

Post by Guest » Mon Jul 18, 2016 5:54 pm

id like to hear the song id like to sing it
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