"This One Thing I Know"

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"This One Thing I Know"

Post by kay33payne » Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:03 am

I'm looking for a song we believe is titled "This One Thing I Know"
I know a few lines that are skipped thru here:
....He opened up by blinded eyes one day............all my sins were washed away...This one thing I know..........

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"This One Thing I Know"

Post by starfish » Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:16 am

This One Thing I Know

1) There are things I can't believe,
There are things I won't receive
For there's no proof they're so
Things I cannot understand,
Things I cannot comprehend
But this one thing I know:
I know He opened up my blinded eyes one day
I know His precious blood washed all my sins away
I know His peace, sweet peace, has filled my troubled soul
Yes, this one thing I know.
2) There are things about the Lord
That are written in His Word
And all of them are so
It may quickly be discerned,
There is much that I must learn
Butt this one thing I know:

I know He opened up my blinded eyes one day
I know His precious blood washed all my sins away
I know His peace, sweet peace, has filled my troubled soul
Yes, this one thing I know.

"This One Thing I Know"

Post by Guest » Sat Feb 03, 2018 2:18 pm

Name this hymn:

I got it, I got it,
that's one thing i know.
his blood washes whiter than snow
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Re: One Thing I Know" by McKammeys

Post by Ballewgrass1 » Sat May 27, 2023 3:04 am

One Thing I Know by McKameys

There are days when life seems hopeless
And gloomy gray the color of The day.
I see my faith shattered into pieces.
What will it take to drive the doubts away?

One thing I know. That God us for me .
One thing I know His plans will never fail
One thing I know He is always with me
One thing I know He does all things well

When the weight of Burdens Overwhelm Me.
And it seems that satan Has the upper hand.
I remember that my Redeemer's living.
He is the Rock on which I firmly stand.

One thing I know. That God is for me.
One thing I know His plans will never fail.
One thing I know He is always with me
One thing I know He does all things well.
kay ashmore

Re: "This One Thing I Know"

Post by kay ashmore » Thu Nov 28, 2024 3:44 pm

(Possible chorus only):
This one thing I know,
This one thing I know.
God in His mercy pardoned me,
Snapped sins fetters & set me free,
Once I was blind but now I see,
This one thing I know.
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