Thank you Lord - Dan Burgess
Thank you Lord - Dan Burgess
Hi, I am trying to find the lyrics to the hymn, Thank You, Lord and it begins like this :-
I thank you Lord, for the trials that come my way, in the way I can grow each day, as I let you lead. Yes, I thank you Lord .....
If anyone can help me with the lyrics, that would be great, as I would like to forward it to a friend who's never heard this hymn before.
I thank you Lord, for the trials that come my way, in the way I can grow each day, as I let you lead. Yes, I thank you Lord .....
If anyone can help me with the lyrics, that would be great, as I would like to forward it to a friend who's never heard this hymn before.
Thank you Lord - Dan Burgess
Here you go... Thank you Lord -Dan Burgess As I thank You Lord for the trials that come my way in that way I can grow each day as I let You lead and I thank you Lord for the patience those trials bring in the process of growing I can learn to care But it goes against the way I am to put my human nature down and let the spirit take control of all I do cause when those trials come my human nature shouts the things to do and God's soft prompting can be easily ignored I thank you lord with each trial I feel inside that your're there to help lead and guide me away from wrong Cause you promised Lord that with ev'ry testing that your way of escaping is easier to bear I thank you Lord for the vict'ry that growing brings in surrender of ev'rything life is so worthwhile and I thank you Lord that when ev'rthing's put in place out in front I can see your face and it's there you belong It was such a beautiful hymn at Mass earlier. I felt very comforted that God was speaking to me at that very moment. I used to sing this hymn back in SN but somehow, I never really took note of how beautiful the lyrics were. How poignant and piercing. It speaks about how I should really trust Lord with all my heart and not let my human nature take over it. Everything will be in its time. Thank you Lord Utube video: Mp3 download h t t p : / / r a p i d s h a r e . c o m / f i l e s / 2 1 5 4 1 1 6 2 0 / T h a n k _ Y o u _ _ L o r d . m p 3 Take all the spaces out.... [email protected]
Thank you Lord - Dan Burgess
This is wonderful to see again! I first heard it in college (circa mid- 1970's) when a friend wrote a musical play about Paul -- she had been in the Continental Singers and used the music written from "The Apostle," including this piece. It's about Paul at the end of his life, looking back on how faithful God had been to let "everything work together for good" in his life.
Thank you Lord - Dan Burgess
I have been longing for this song the lastcoleof weeks! I can only remember the tune but not the lyrics. I am so glad I finally found it by random searches of old Christian songs. I am so excited!
Thank you Lord - Dan Burgess
What a wonderful song! I heard this at yesterday's mass, and all of a sudden I felt peace... Thank You Lord!
Thank you Lord - Dan Burgess
Hi, I am looking for the Piano Sheet of "Thank You Lord for the trials that come my way" by Dan Burgess. if you can send it to me, it will help my daughter to sing it in christian convention school.
Would you please send the piano sheet to my e-mail [email protected]
Would you please send the piano sheet to my e-mail [email protected]
Thank you Lord - Dan Burgess
Thank you Lord - Dan Burgess
I would also like the sheet music for "Thank You Lord (For the trials)...Thank you!
Beth S.
Beth S.
Thank you Lord - Dan Burgess
I have lost my copy of the sheet music - can you please send me a copy to [email protected]
Thank you in advance
Thank you in advance
Thank you Lord - Dan Burgess
I also would greatly appreciate the piano sheet music for "Thank You Lord (For the Trials." We'd like to sing a solo in church, but cannot find this anywhere. [email protected]
Mark J.
Mark J.
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