you give marvelous comrades to me, the faithful who dwell in your land...
you give marvelous comrades to me, the faithful who dwell in your land...
I'm looking for the hymn (and the bible verse it relates to) that has this lyric or something close to it. It is followed by; those who serve alien gods have chosen an alien land. Thanks for any help.
you give marvelous comrades to me, the faithful who dwell in your land...
Song is based on Ps. 16, even though the words "marvelous comrades to me" are not in the Psalm. see
you give marvelous comrades to me, the faithful who dwell in your land...
the key verse in Ps. 16 for "marvelous comrades" phrase is v. 3
you give marvelous comrades to me, the faithful who dwell in your land...
THe song is "for you are my god, you alone are my joy"
Re: you give marvelous comrades to me, the faithful who dwell in your land...
I think this was a song from Ann Arbor, Michigan
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