the lord let his face shine down upon you....
the lord let his face shine down upon you....
i have to sing this song today for graduation thanks for putting it up!
the lord let his face shine down upon you....
thank you soooo much! I use to canter at my old school and i couldn't remeber the whole song and it was driving me mad!
the lord let his face shine down upon you....
hi! can anyone find this song for me? I probably don't have the words in the correct verses, but i know they're in there somewhere:
Be merciful o lord, for we have sinned,
be merciful o lord, for we have sinned
My offenses truly i know them
and my sins are always before me
cast me not away from your presence o lord
and take not your spirit from me
If it helps, the song is in a hymn book called "Gather"
(does anyone know where i can find that also!?)
Be merciful o lord, for we have sinned,
be merciful o lord, for we have sinned
My offenses truly i know them
and my sins are always before me
cast me not away from your presence o lord
and take not your spirit from me
If it helps, the song is in a hymn book called "Gather"
(does anyone know where i can find that also!?)
the lord let his face shine down upon you....
I used to preform Joe Wise's "A song of Blessing," but have long since stopped preforming. Much to my disappointment I cannot find any performance of it online, including YouTube. If anyone knows of such a recording, please send me the link at [email protected] . Thank you muchly!
the lord let his face shine down upon you....
I recently purchased a songbook containing sheet music for Joe Wise's "A Song of Blessing". I found it on Very excited to have found it!!! It's for piano/guitar/voice. It was only available in a book that contains 14 total songs, but it was very reasonbly priced. Hope this helps.
the lord let his face shine down upon you....
Gosh- I have been searching for this song for over 15 years. Like many, this was one of few songs that still resonate over me since high school...the lyrics just speak to your heart...thanks for sharing !!!
the lord let his face shine down upon you....
I will add my voice to all the others. Just love Joe Wise and his music. Used to play them for my kids ? thirty years ago. It was wonderful to find and read the words of The Blessing Song. Would love to buy any cassette tapes or CDs if available - can anyone tell me where, please. Thanks in advance for your help.
the lord let his face shine down upon you....
Don't know if there are any cassettes available anymore, but has CDs, might have individual ones, but certainly two "Best of Joe Wise." I've loved his music since I first heard it in the late '60s and taught songs to many second graders in my teaching career and used them also in worship. He's a great guy!!
the lord let his face shine down upon you....
I've been looking for this song also. I found an MP3 version of it on, recorded by the original artist. It's only 99 cents for the song.
"Song of Blessing"
Joe Wise
Format: MP3 Download
From the Album Most Requested: Music for the Spirit
"Song of Blessing"
Joe Wise
Format: MP3 Download
From the Album Most Requested: Music for the Spirit
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