You know, I'm not afraid to cross that river. My Father owns the land on both sides...

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You know, I'm not afraid to cross that river. My Father owns the land on both sides...

Post by mmchilders » Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:47 am


Looking for the hymn that has the lyrics in it: You know, I'm not afraid to cross that river. My Father owns the land on both sides....

That's all my husband can remember of it.

Does it sound familiar to anyone?

You know, I'm not afraid to cross that river. My Father owns the land on both sides...

Post by Guest » Sat Jan 02, 2010 1:37 am

my email address is [email protected] My grandfather wrote that song. Send me an email and i'll send you the lyrics.

You know, I'm not afraid to cross that river. My Father owns the land on both sides...

Post by Guest » Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:23 am

i"m weary & i long for that peaceful land-this journey'sbeen rough & long When I feel his spirit I sing my song Oh Lord it can't be too long

Oh no I not , I'm not afraid to cross this river my Father owns the land on both sides- He'll walk with me through the shadows Then home sweet home i'll abide

In the distance I can see that beauitful shore,I'm nearing the end og day,And he'll take me over to that land so fair to that land of prefect day

You know, I'm not afraid to cross that river. My Father owns the land on both sides...

Post by Guest » Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:33 am

Hope you enjoy the song as much i have---A VERY BLESSED SONG

You know, I'm not afraid to cross that river. My Father owns the land on both sides...

Post by Guest » Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:58 pm

I would love to be able to hear that song. Is there a site where I can go to hear someone singing I'm Not Afraid (To Cross That River)? I found one girl singing it on You Tube, but she wasn't singing the words that were written in the songbook, Our Favorite Songs Volume 5 The Primitive Quartet.

You know, I'm not afraid to cross that river. My Father owns the land on both sides...

Post by Guest » Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:16 pm

Does anyone know what the chords are. My daughters and I are beginner musicians and would like to play this together, but I cant find the chords.

Thanks, Antny
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Re: You know, I'm not afraid to cross that river. My Father owns the land on both sides...

Post by samson » Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:36 am

I’m Not Afraid To Cross That River, is a song written by my cousin, Oral Harless of Cyclone, Wyoming Co., West Virginia. Oral passed away probably as long as the early 1990s, I remember going to his funeral/wake. His children all sang near the casket for the duration of the wake. Oral was a Godly, righteous man who taught the adult class every Sunday, and he traveled the state for some 40 years with his family singing gospel music. His mother-in-law, Stollie Parsons, preached on a radio broadcast every week and Oral, his wife, Joann, and his four children sang on the radio broadcast. His children, and grandchildren all still sing around the state. The best way to get the lyrics is by listening to the Primitive Quartet, either on CD, or on YouTube.
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Re: You know, I'm not afraid to cross that river. My Father owns the land on both sides...

Post by songinmyheart » Fri Jun 07, 2024 2:10 am

Here are the chords: ... shua-evans

Here’s a studio recording:
I’m Not Afraid To Cross That River

Here are the lyrics:
I am weary and I long for that peaceful land. This journey’s been rough and long
But when I feel His spirit I sing my song Oh Lord it can't be to long

Oh no I'm not afraid to cross that river. My father owns the land on both sides
He’ll walk with me through the shadows then home sweet home I'll abide

In the distance I can see that beautiful shore I’m nearing the end of day
and He'll take me on over to that land so fair, to that land of perfect day


Then home sweet home I'll abide
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