I cannot come to the banquet
I cannot come to the banquet
Hi Steve,
My husband has a some words to a song he threw out the other day when I was doing a study of Matthew 22. I'm wondering if you know the name of the song or if there is more to it. "I cannot come to the banquet, dont bother me now. I have married a wife. I have bought me a cow. I have fields and enchantments that cost a pretty sum. Pray pardon, excuse, I cannot come."
Thanks for your help.
My husband has a some words to a song he threw out the other day when I was doing a study of Matthew 22. I'm wondering if you know the name of the song or if there is more to it. "I cannot come to the banquet, dont bother me now. I have married a wife. I have bought me a cow. I have fields and enchantments that cost a pretty sum. Pray pardon, excuse, I cannot come."
Thanks for your help.
I cannot come to the banquet
Music and Lyrics composed and sung by the Medical Mission Sisters, 1966.
I cannot come.
I cannot come to the banquet,
Don't trouble me now.
I have married a wife,
I have bought me a cow.
I have fields and commitments
That cost a pretty sum,
Pray, hold me excused,
I cannot come.
Verse 1
A certain man held a feast
On his fine estate in town,
He laid a festive table,
And wore a wedding gown.
He sent invitations
To his neighbors far and wide,
But when the meal was ready,
Each of them replied"¦..
Verse 2
The master rose up in anger,
Called his servants by name, said:
"Go into the town,
Fetch the blind and the lame,
Fetch the peasant and the pauper
For this I have willed,
My banquet must be crowed,
And my table must be filled."
Verse 3
When all the poor had assembled,
There was still room to spare,
So the master demanded:
"Go search ev'rywhere,
To the highways and the byways
And force them to come in,
My table must be filled before the banquet can begin.
Verse 4
Now God has written a lesson
For the rest of mankind;
If we're slow in responding,
He may leave us behind
He's preparing a banquet for that
Great and glorious day,
When the Lord and Master callus,
Be certain not to say"¦.
I cannot come.
I cannot come to the banquet,
Don't trouble me now.
I have married a wife,
I have bought me a cow.
I have fields and commitments
That cost a pretty sum,
Pray, hold me excused,
I cannot come.
I cannot come.
I cannot come to the banquet,
Don't trouble me now.
I have married a wife,
I have bought me a cow.
I have fields and commitments
That cost a pretty sum,
Pray, hold me excused,
I cannot come.
Verse 1
A certain man held a feast
On his fine estate in town,
He laid a festive table,
And wore a wedding gown.
He sent invitations
To his neighbors far and wide,
But when the meal was ready,
Each of them replied"¦..
Verse 2
The master rose up in anger,
Called his servants by name, said:
"Go into the town,
Fetch the blind and the lame,
Fetch the peasant and the pauper
For this I have willed,
My banquet must be crowed,
And my table must be filled."
Verse 3
When all the poor had assembled,
There was still room to spare,
So the master demanded:
"Go search ev'rywhere,
To the highways and the byways
And force them to come in,
My table must be filled before the banquet can begin.
Verse 4
Now God has written a lesson
For the rest of mankind;
If we're slow in responding,
He may leave us behind
He's preparing a banquet for that
Great and glorious day,
When the Lord and Master callus,
Be certain not to say"¦.
I cannot come.
I cannot come to the banquet,
Don't trouble me now.
I have married a wife,
I have bought me a cow.
I have fields and commitments
That cost a pretty sum,
Pray, hold me excused,
I cannot come.
I cannot come to the banquet
Hi thank you . I was very happy to find this hymn. We used to sing it in the 80s.
It brings the good times i had with my Mum as a choir member.
It brings the good times i had with my Mum as a choir member.
I cannot come to the banquet
I learned of the song when I was working on a Mission in Alaska. I sang it for 5 years. The other day, while in church the pastor talked about this. It brought back such great memories but I couldn't remember all the words. Thanks for posting them.
I cannot come to the banquet
whats the tune though????
I cannot come to the banquet
this song brings back my childhood memories. school choir
I cannot come to the banquet
The song is still alive in my memory. It is new everyday.
I cannot come to the banquet
Thanx for the lyrics some one special taught me this song n it brings joy to ma heart
I cannot come to the banquet
Any idea where a reasonable recording can be found?
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