looking for lyrics to song about eternity to time

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looking for lyrics to song about eternity to time

Post by mandolingirl » Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:56 am

my husband use to sing a song

when Jesus stepped from eternity to time
he brought the gift of God to all mankind
the son of God became a mortal like me
so he could bear my sins on Calvary

each step he took - doesnt remember much more other than he thinks it goes that Jesus stepped back from time to eternity

appreciate any help - no idea who sang it or where he heard this

looking for lyrics to song about eternity to time

Post by Guest » Fri Oct 15, 2010 2:40 pm

From Eternity To Time

When Jesus stepped from eternity to time
He brought the gift of God to all mankind
The son of God became a mortal like me
So He could bear our sins on Calvary.

Each word He spoke brought life where there was darkness
Each thing He touched was changed forever more
He broke the bars of sin that held men captive
And then stepped from time back to eternity.

My God looked down and saw man's lost condition
The cross was more than mortal man could bear
So He sent His son from heaven and all His glory
To Calvary a crown of thorns to wear.

His loving hand reached down and cleansed the leper
He spoke a name and death gave up its grave
He waits for you where death has no dominion
Where there's no time there's just eternity.

I trust these are right

looking for lyrics to song about eternity to time

Post by Guest » Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:22 am

thank you so very, very much -

my husband said this is what he has been wanting & i've tried for a very long time to find it on different lyric sites

i appreciate your post
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Joined: Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:35 am

looking for lyrics to song about eternity to time

Post by mandolingirl » Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:24 am

i guess i should have logged in first

thank you very very much

this is the song my husband wanted - i've looked on lots of lyric sites with no luck -

thank you again

looking for lyrics to song about eternity to time

Post by Guest » Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:56 am

Jack Cardwell of Mobile Wrote it back in the Mid 60's

looking for lyrics to song about eternity to time

Post by Guest » Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:59 pm

Jack Cardwel was a dear friend of mine!

looking for lyrics to song about eternity to time

Post by Guest » Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:00 pm

J.W. Parrett and wife Hattie Parrett wrote this song in the early 60's. They never had it copywrited, much to our sadness as their children. If you would like any other info please let us know....
Sincerely, The Parrett children.

looking for lyrics to song about eternity to time

Post by Guest » Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:19 am

J.W. Parrett and wife Hattie Parrett wrote this song in the early 60's. They never had it copywrited, much to our sadness as their children. If you would like any other info please let us know....
Sincerely, The Parrett children.
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looking for lyrics to song about eternity to time

Post by Travis » Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:05 pm

So I'm planing on recording this song in the very near future on my all gospel album. I need to know who (if anybody) has the rights to this song. I used to play this song with the Sullivan Family from Alabama and always loved it. If someone could give me a really speedy answer I would greatly appreciate it. God Bless and thanx

looking for lyrics to song about eternity to time

Post by Guest » Tue Mar 01, 2016 5:00 am

I looked the song up its copyrighted under Jack Cardwell.
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