Past to Presence

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Past to Presence

Post by Guest » Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:46 am

The lyrics are I lost my past when I found His presence

Past to Presence

Post by Guest » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:28 pm

The song is "Past to Presence."

Here's the song on YouTube:

The lyrics:

Verse 1:
There were things in my life I knew I'd always regret,
There were moments of my past I knew I'd never forget;
But when I knelt at an old fashioned altar of prayer,
The presence of the Lord met me there
And I lost all my past and found the presence of the Lord.

I lost all my past when I found His presence,
All the weights that burdened me down were lifted forevermore;
And as the east is from the west, cast in the sea of Forgetfulness,
I lost my past when I found the presence of the Lord.

Verse 2:
I'll never forget just how I felt when Jesus lifted me,
The shackles fell from me, the chains were gone,
And I was truly free;
And it's a long, long way from my past to His presence,
But I'm glad that I made it that day,
I traded my past for the presence of the Lord.

I lost all my past when I found His presence,
All the weights that burdened me down were lifted forevermore;
And as the east is from the west, cast in the sea of Forgetfulness,
I lost my past when I found the presence of the Lord.

And as the east is from the west, cast in the sea of Forgetfulness,
I lost my past when I found the presence of the Lord.

By Chuck Lawrence
©1987 Meadowgreen Music/Highest Call Music.
All rights administered by Tree Publishing Co., Inc., 8 Music Sq. W., Nashville, TN 37203
International copyright secured. All rights reserved. Used by Permission.

Re: Past to Presence

Post by D232anne » Sun Dec 27, 2020 3:21 am

Hi, my nane is Deborah, and am looking for accompaniement tracks or sheet music to an older but beautiful and most fitting gospel hymn/ song by the name of Past to Presence. It has the lyrics " I lost my past when I found the presence of the Lord." The song gives a tremendous message of truth and hope. This was the favorite song of my brother who recently past away last July with Covid-19. We had to delay his memorial service and have been planning it for his birthday, which is February 15th. I cannot think of a better song to honor my brother at his memorial service than this song. He he loved it. Past to Presece. I was wondering if you would know where I might purchase this song? Thank you so much.


Deborah Wheelock
Posts: 4415
Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:50 pm

Re: Past to Presence

Post by songinmyheart » Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:24 pm

Hi Deborah

I am sad for your loss. Losing a sibling is a unique grief to experience.
I pray your family’s memorial service will be a comfort

Until someone can supply sheet music or tracks, here are the chords: ... pike-topic
(You might have to sign up for Chordify to access them)

Trust this helps and may God bless you,

Re: Past to Presence

Post by D232anne » Tue Dec 29, 2020 2:22 am

Much thanks for rhe link.

Re: Past to Presence

Post by rachel » Mon Sep 16, 2024 2:39 am

Past to Presence by Chuck Lawrence copyright ©️ 1987 by meadowgreen Music does anyone know what songbook this song is published in? Desperately want to get the words and music to this beautiful song. Any help is appreciated!!!
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