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grace was the answer by McKameys

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:19 pm
by Guest
need words to grae was the answer by mckameys

Re: grace was the answer by McKameys

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 9:53 pm
by Pearlynjames
Grace was the answer

4 1
The prison was a dungeon, the cell was cell was damp and cold
5 1
Barabbas knew his life was done, the sentence had been told
4 1
then suddenly the door swung wide, and he was set free
5 1
in awe and disbelief he cried, why was this done for me?


Grace was the answer, before the question was why
Love was the reason------, God gave His Son to die
Mercy was Gods strong hand, when- he- heard- my cry
Grace was the answer, before the question was why

END......Grace was the answer

I'm the one who was in prison, and I deserved to die
life was full of bad decisions, no more reason left to try
in darkness I drifted , a slave to self and sin
but now the charges are all lifted, and I'm asking why again